Package com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.managedevents

Interface Summary
BusinessServiceDataEventHandler Handler interface for the BusinessServiceDataEvent.
BusinessServiceEventHandler Handler interface for the BusinessServiceEvent.
HasBusinessServiceDataEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the BusinessServiceDataEvent event.
HasBusinessServiceEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the BusinessServiceEvent event.
HasLocaleChangedEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the LocaleChangedEvent event.
HasLoginEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the LoginEvent event.
HasLogoutEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the LogoutEvent event.
HasPersistenceEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the PersistenceEvent event.
HasProcessInstanceEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the ProcessInstanceEvent event.
HasProcessTemplateEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the ProcessTemplateEvent event.
HasSystemActionsEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the SystemActionsEvent event.
HasTemplateManagedEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the TemplateManagedEvent event.
HasWebviewChangedEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the WebviewChangedEvent event.
HasWorkItemDataEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the WorkItemDataEvent event.
HasWorkItemEventHandler An object that implements this interface has a handler for the WorkItemEvent event.
LocaleChangedEventHandler Handler interface for the LocaleChangedEvent.
LoginEventHandler Handler interface for the LoginEvent.
LogoutEventHandler Handler interface for the LogoutEvent.
PersistenceEventHandler Handler interface for the PersistenceEvent.
ProcessInstanceEventHandler Handler interface for the ProcessInstanceEvent.
ProcessTemplateEventHandler Handler interface for the ProcessTemplateEvent.
SystemActionsEventHandler Handler interface for the SystemActionsEvent.
TemplateManagedEventHandler Handler interface for the TemplateManagedEvent.
TranslationEvent2Handler Handler interface for the TranslationEvent2.
TranslationEventHandler Handler interface for the TranslationEvent.
WebviewChangedEventHandler Handler interface for the WebviewChangedEvent.
WorkItemDataEventHandler Handler interface for the WorkItemDataEvent.
WorkItemEventHandler Handler interface for the WorkItemEvent.

Class Summary
BusinessServiceDataEvent Event for BusinessServiceData actions.
BusinessServiceEvent Event for BusinessService actions.
LocaleChangedEvent Event for LocaleChanged action.
LoginEvent Event for Login action.
LogoutEvent Event for Logout action.
PersistenceEvent Event for Persistence actions.
ProcessInstanceEvent Event for ProcessInstance actions.
ProcessTemplateEvent Event for ProcessTemplate actions.
SystemActionKey Provides the key used with SystemActionsEvent.
SystemActionsEvent Event for Login action.
TemplateManagedEvent Provides an example of a ManagedEvent class.
TranslationEvent Event for translation.
TranslationEvent2 Event for translation.
WebviewChangedEvent Event for WebviewChanged action.
WorkItemCloseListItem Event for WorkItem close action.
WorkItemDataEvent Event for WorkItem actions.
WorkItemEvent Event for WorkItem actions.

Enum Summary

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