Package com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types

Interface Summary
HasGuid Any type that has a guid value.
IBusinessCategory Interface for a Business Service category containing the name of the category and a list of any child categories.
IBusinessServiceTemplate Interface for a Business Service Template containing the module name, process name, version and category.
IBusinessServiceTemplateWithFParams Interface for a Business Service Template containing the module name, process name, version and category.
IFormData TODO Give a useful description of the type.

Class Summary
AbstractFormData AbstractFormData Type.
BaseCalendar BaseCalendar type.
BusinessServiceList Contains a list of IBusinessServiceTemplate items containing the Business Service details.
CalendarAssignment TODO Give a useful description of the type.
CalendarBasic TODO Give a useful description of the type.
CalendarEntries TODO Give a useful description of the type.
CalendarReference TODO Give a useful description of the type.
CalendarSummary CalendarSummary type.
CopiedCalendar TODO Give a useful description of the type.
CustomAttribute Details of a Custom Attribute

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

Duration TODO Give a useful description of the type.
ECAttribute An Attribute retrieved from the AMX BPM Event Collector
ECQueryResult The result of an Event Collector Query.
EventDuration Contains the timings retrieved from Event Collector for a particular work item.
ExistingRecurringExclusion TODO Give a useful description of the type.
ExistingWorkingDayExclusion TODO Give a useful description of the type.
HaltedProcessInstanceData TODO Give a useful description of the type.
ItemDetail Detail of an item retrieved from server ( ie a Directory Engine resource ).
ListPage<T> Used to transfer a page of data from the server to the client.
LoginInfoJS JavaScriptOverlay Object for LoginResult

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

ManagedId Detail for a ManagedID, detailing the ID and Version for a work item.
MigrationRule Details of a migration rule to migrate one version of a process template to a different version.
NameTypePair TODO Give a useful description of the type.
NewRecurringExclusion TODO Give a useful description of the type.
NewWorkingDayExclusion TODO Give a useful description of the type.
OrgModelEntity Details an Organisational Model entity as retrieved from Directory Engine.
OrgModelEntityID An Organisational Model entity ID.
OrgModelEntityJS JavaScriptOverlay Object for OrgModelEntityID

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

OSAuditConstants Constants used to identify messages in the Audit trail when producing a graphical audit trail.
OverlayCalendar TODO Give a useful description of the type.
PageData TODO Give a useful description of the type.
ParamField The definition of a field in a ToDo Item.
PreviewItems Detail of work items to retrieve preview information for.
ProcessInstanceData Details of a Process Template Instance.
ProcessInstanceData2 Details of a Process Template Instance.
ProcessTemplate Details of a Process Template definition.
RecurringExclusionDetail TODO Give a useful description of the type.
RecurringInstance TODO Give a useful description of the type.
SortOrder SortOrder field passed to server side to determine what sort order to apply

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

TemplateAttributes TODO Give a useful description of the type.
TimeSlot TODO Give a useful description of the type.
TimeZone Defines Detailed TimeZone class

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

ToDoField The definition of a field in a ToDo Item.
ToDoWorkType Work Type details for a ToDo List Item.
WorkCalendar TODO Give a useful description of the type.
WorkingDay TODO Give a useful description of the type.
WorkItem TODO Give a useful description of the type.
WorkListItem Detail for a ToDoList item ( Work Item ) retrieved from the AMX BPM server.
WorkListItem2 WorkListItem

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

WorkListItemAttribute Generic Class to represent WorkList Attributes

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

WorkListItemBase Base class for storing WorkListItem It stores all except Attributes

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Enum Summary
NewWorkingDayExclusion.FreeBusy TODO Give a useful description of the type.

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