
Class Summary
CopyCalendar This service copies an identified Calendar to create a new Calendar of the same type.
DeleteCalendar Deletes the named Calendar, and all the Working Day and Calendar Entries associated with it.
DeleteCalendarEntries Deletes the Calendar Entries identified by their GUID (e.g.
GetCalendarEntries Returns the entries from the identified Calendar that fall within the given date range.
GetCalendarReferences Returns the Calendar references that identify the Base and Overlay Calendars to be applied for deadline calculations involving the given model-entity.
GetWorkCalendar Returns the details of a named Calendar.
ListCalendars Returns the list of known work calendar instances (that is, Base and Overlay calendars).
ListTimeZones Returns the list of time-zone identifiers recognised by the Calendar Component.
PurgeCalendarEntries Deletes the Calendar Entries, of the named Calendar, whose end date is earlier than the given date.
RemoveCalendarReference This action is being used to delete CalendarReference from a Calendar
RenameCalendar Changes the name, and/or namespace, of a Calendar.
ResolveReference Resolves a given collection of Calendar References, by returning the identifier of the Calendar instance to which each are associated.
SaveCalendar Updates, or creates, a named Calendar.
SaveCalendarEntry Updates, or creates, the given Calendar Entry (e.g.
SaveCalendarRefernce Associates a Calendar with a client component's reference identifier.
SetCalendarReferences Assign Calendar References to model entities.

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