
Class Summary
CancelProcessInstance Cancels the specified Process Instances.
GetEventDurationsFromEC Retrieves the Work Item Durations from Event Collector for a given process instance.
GetMigrationPoints Retrieve a list of migration points for the specified process from the Engine.
GetProcessInstanceData Retrieve details of Process Instances for a particular Process Template from the Process Engine.
GetProcessInstancesFromEC Retrieve Process Instance Data from Event Collector.
GetProcessInstancesFromEC2 Retrieve Process Instance Data from Event Collector.
GetProcessInstanceStatus Get status of a Process Instance.
GetProcessTemplateList Get a list of all the Process Templates for a particular module and process.
IgnoreHaltedProcessInstance Ignore halted instances of a Process Template.
ListMigrationRules Retrieve all the migration rules that have been set for a particular Process Template.
QueryDone Finish a running query and free up any server side resources.
QueryEventCollector Run a query against the Event Collector Audit Trail.
QueryHaltedProcessInstances Lists the halted process instances that match certain criteria.
QueryInstancesPage Query a different process instances page using a pagingId from the QueryProcessInstances call

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QueryProcessInstances List process instances that match certain criteria.
QueryProcessInstances2 List process instances that match certain criteria.
QueryProcessTemplates Query Process Templates available in the Process Engine.
ResumeHaltedProcessInstance Resume halted instances of a Process Template.
ResumeProcessInstance Resume suspended instances of a Process Template.
RetryHaltedProcessInstance Retry halted instances of a Process Template.
SetMigrationRules Set Migration Rules for a given Process Template.
StartProcess Start an instance of the specified Process Template.
SuspendProcessInstance Suspend the specified running Process Instances.

Enum Summary

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