
Class Summary
AllocateWorkItem Allocate the specified Work Item to a particular Resource.
CancelWorkItem Cancel changes made to an Open Work Item and return it to the Work List.
CloseWorkItem Closes a previously opened Work Item and saves any updates made by the User.
CloseWorkItems Closes previously opened Work Items.
CompleteWorkItem Complete a previously opened Work Item and save any changes made.
GetOfferSet Retrieve the offer set for the specified Work Item.
GetOfferSetForMultipleItems Retrieve the common offer set for the specified Work Items.
GetOrderAndFilterForResource Get the Order and Filter criteria for a Resource.
GetOrgEntityConfigAttribute Gets the value of an Org Entity Config Attribute from BRM
GetToDoList Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the current user from BRM.
GetWorkList Action for BRM Service WorkListService and operation getWorkListItems

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

OpenNextWorkItem Open the next available Work Item for the user.
OpenWorkItem Open the specified Work Item.
PendWorkItemByDate Pend a Work Item until the specified Date.
PendWorkItemByPeriod Pend a Work Item for the specified period.
PreviewWorkItem Preview the specified Work Item.
PrioritiseWorkItem Set the Priority for the specified Work Items

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

ReAllocateWorkItem ReAllocate a Work Item to another resource.
ReofferWorkItem Reoffer the Work Item to the original offer set.
SetOrderAndFilterForResource Set the Order and Filter criteria for a Resource.
SetOrgEntityConfigAttribute Sets the value of an Org Entity Config Attribute in BRM
SkipWorkItem Skip a Work Item.

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