Class EditWorkListView2

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, OSAction<WorkListIDResult>, net.customware.gwt.dispatch.shared.Action<WorkListIDResult>

public class EditWorkListView2
extends java.lang.Object
implements OSAction<WorkListIDResult>

Edit a Work List View in BRM

Filtering, ordering and paging options can be specified to determine which items are returned.

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
EditWorkListView2(long workListViewID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String customData, OrgModelEntity entity, java.lang.String order, java.lang.String filter, java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> authors, java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> users, java.lang.String ownerId, boolean publicView, boolean getAllocatedItems)
          Constructs a new EditWorkListView2 Action.
EditWorkListView2(long workListViewID, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String customData, java.lang.String order, java.lang.String filter, java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> authors, java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> users, java.lang.String ownerId, boolean publicView, TibcoBaseView2.resourcesRequiredEnum resourcesRequired)
          Constructs a new EditWorkListView2 Action.
Method Summary
 java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> getAuthors()
          List of the authors of the View
 java.lang.String getCustomData()
          Custom data to associate with the View.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Description of the View
 OrgModelEntity getEntity()
          Entity of the work list to View
 java.lang.String getFilter()
          Filter string to pass to BRM.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Name of the View
 java.lang.String getOrder()
          Order string to pass to BRM.
 java.lang.String getOwnerId()
          Owner of the view
 TibcoBaseView2.resourcesRequiredEnum getResourcesRequired()
          If the view is of the Global Work List or a users Own Work List
 java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> getUsers()
          List of the owners of the View
 long getWorkListViewID()
          ID of the View to edit
 boolean isGetAllocatedItems()
          If the view should show ALLOCATED or OFFERED items ( default )
 boolean isPublicView()
          If the view is public
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EditWorkListView2(long workListViewID,
                         java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String description,
                         java.lang.String customData,
                         OrgModelEntity entity,
                         java.lang.String order,
                         java.lang.String filter,
                         java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> authors,
                         java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> users,
                         java.lang.String ownerId,
                         boolean publicView,
                         boolean getAllocatedItems)
Constructs a new EditWorkListView2 Action. This constructor should be used when editing a view for a particular Entity in the Org Model

workListViewID - ID of the view to Edit
entity - Org model this View will retrieve the items for.
name - Name of the View.
description - Description of the View.
customData - Custom ( client-specific ) data to associate with the view.
order - Order string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance ASC , appInstanceDescription ASC , id ASC , priority ASC , startDate ASC , endDate ASC , attribute1 ASC , attribute2 ASC , attribute3 ASC , attribute4 ASC"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

filter - Filer string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance='instance' AND appInstanceDescription>'process1' AND description<'Step2'"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

authors - List of the Authors for this View. Authors are allowed to edit the view.
owners - List of the users for this View. Users will be able to see the view in their BPM client.
ownerId - User ID ( GUID ) of the owner of the view.
publicView - If the view is public anyone can access ( but not edit ) the view.
getAllocatedItems - If the view should show ALLOCATED items or OFFERED ( default )


public EditWorkListView2(long workListViewID,
                         java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String description,
                         java.lang.String customData,
                         java.lang.String order,
                         java.lang.String filter,
                         java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> authors,
                         java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> users,
                         java.lang.String ownerId,
                         boolean publicView,
                         TibcoBaseView2.resourcesRequiredEnum resourcesRequired)
Constructs a new EditWorkListView2 Action. This constructor should be used when creating a view for a Global Work List or the Users Own Work List

workListViewID - ID of the view to Edit
name - Name of the View.
description - Description of the View.
customData - Custom ( client-specific ) data to associate with the view.
order - Order string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance ASC , appInstanceDescription ASC , id ASC , priority ASC , startDate ASC , endDate ASC , attribute1 ASC , attribute2 ASC , attribute3 ASC , attribute4 ASC"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

filter - Filer string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance='instance' AND appInstanceDescription>'process1' AND description<'Step2'"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

authors - List of the Authors for this View. Authors are allowed to edit the view.
owners - List of the users for this View. Users will be able to see the view in their BPM client.
ownerId - User ID ( GUID ) of the owner of the view.
publicView - If the view is public anyone can access ( but not edit ) the view.
resourcesRequired - If the view is of the Global Work List or a users Own Work List
Method Detail


public long getWorkListViewID()
ID of the View to edit

ID of the View


public java.lang.String getName()
Name of the View

Name of the View.


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Description of the View

Description of the View.


public java.lang.String getCustomData()
Custom data to associate with the View.

Custom data associated with the View.


public java.lang.String getOrder()
Order string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance ASC , appInstanceDescription ASC , id ASC , priority ASC , startDate ASC , endDate ASC , attribute1 ASC , attribute2 ASC , attribute3 ASC , attribute4 ASC"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

Returns the order.


public java.lang.String getFilter()
Filter string to pass to BRM.

An example would be :

"appInstance='instance' AND appInstanceDescription>'process1' AND description<'Step2'"

See the BRM Filter and Sort documentation for more details.

Returns the filter.


public OrgModelEntity getEntity()
Entity of the work list to View

Returns the entity.


public java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> getAuthors()
List of the authors of the View

Returns the list of authors.


public java.util.ArrayList<OrgModelEntity> getUsers()
List of the owners of the View

Returns the list of owners.


public java.lang.String getOwnerId()
Owner of the view

Returns the owner of the view, this will always be a resource GUID.


public boolean isPublicView()
If the view is public


public boolean isGetAllocatedItems()
If the view should show ALLOCATED or OFFERED items ( default )

This value only applies if the resourcesRequired value is not set.

This flag only applies if the selected Entity is not a RESOURCE, if the selected Entity is a RESOURCE this flag will be ignored as both ALLOCATED and OFFERED items are shown for a RESOURCE


public TibcoBaseView2.resourcesRequiredEnum getResourcesRequired()
If the view is of the Global Work List or a users Own Work List

If this value is set the entity and the getAllocatedItems values in the view are ignored

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