
Class Summary
AuthenticationResult Returns the user name or guid

©2012 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

CopiedCalendarResult This result holds a copy of an identified Calendar of the same type.
CreateOrUpdateUserResult Create or Update User Result

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

GetBusinessServicesResult Result containing a BusinessServiceList which contains details of the Business Services.
GetCalendarEntriesResult Contains the collection of CalendarEntries, from the named Calendar, that fall within the given date range.
GetCalendarReferencesResult Consists of list of Calendar references that identify the Base and Overlay Calendars to be applied for deadline calculations involving the given model-entity.
GetEventDurationsFromECResult Result containing the EventDuration information for the Work Items in a Process.
GetMigrationPointsResult List of the Migration Points for a Process Template.
GetOfferSetResult List of ItemDetail entries which make up the offer set for the Work Item.
GetToDoListResult The ToDoList { Work List } for the user.
GetToDoListResult2 The ToDoList { Work List } for the user.
GetToDoListResult4 The ToDoList { Work List } for the user.
GetWorkCalendarResult GetWorkCalendarResult type.
GetWorkListResult Client model for WorkListItem returned in WorkListService operation getWorkListItems

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

IsActionAuthorisedResult Returns whether the system action is authorised

©2012 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

ListBusinessServiceCategoriesResult Result containing a list of IBusinessCategory entries which give details of the available Business Service categories.
ListCalendarResult Consists of the list of known WorkCalendar instances (that is; Base and Overlay Calendars).
ListMigrationRulesResult Result containing a HashMap of MigrationRule entries keyed on the source version for the migration.
ListTimeZonesResult Type to hold a list of time zones result.
LoadGadgetPrefResult Gadget Preference Values

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

LoginResult TODO Give a useful description of the type.
LogOutResult LogOut result contain flag i.e.
LookupUserResult Result containing a list of OrgModelEntityID entries and extra information about a Resource

©2014 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

OrgModelEntityIDResult Result containing a list of OrgModelEntityID entries.
OrgModelEntityResult Result containing details of the Organisational Model in a list of OrgModelEntity entries.
PreviewWorkItemResult List of WorkItem containing the results of a WorkItemPreview
ProcessInstancesDataResult Result containing the Process Instance data in an ListPage of ProcessInstanceData entries.
ProcessInstancesDataResult2 Result containing the Process Instance data in an ListPage of ProcessInstanceData entries.
ProcessTemplateListResult Result containing a ListPage of ProcessTemplate entries detailing the available Process Templates.
QueryBusinessServicesResult Contains a list of Business Service Templates based on the category and channelId.
QueryCategoriesResult Consists of a list of Business Categories based on the category and channelId.
QueryEventCollectorResult Result containing a ListPage of ECQueryResult entries which detail the audit entries retrieved.
QueryHaltedProcessInstancesResult Contains list of halted process instances that match certain criteria specified in the Query.
QueryProcessInstancesResult List process instances that match certain criteria specified in a Query.
QueryProcessInstancesResult2 List process instances that match certain criteria specified in a Query.
RemoveCalendarReferenceResult Consists of Updated Calendar References after removal
ResolveReferencesResult The result will consist of the same Calendar References as the request, but with the identifier of the Calendar instance they are associated with.
ResumeHaltedProcessInstanceResult Consists of completion status e.g.
SaveCalendarEntryResult SaveCalendarEntryResult type.
SaveCalendarReferenceResult It consists of updated Calendars with updated version after saving CalendarReferences.
SaveCalendarResult Result consists of updated or created, a named Base / Overlay Calendar.
SessionResult Returns details about the session timeout and access

©2012 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

StartBusinessServiceResult Result containing a {link @PageData} which results from a Business Service being started.
StartProcessResult Result containg the ID of a newly started Process Instance.
StringResult Result containing a String value.
UpdateBusinessServiceResult A Result containing the PageData resulting from a call to UpdateBusinessService
VoidResult Result used when the invoked action returns no result.
WorkingDayResult Result containing a WorkingDay
WorkItemResult Result containing a WorkItem
WorkListIDResult Result containing the ID of a Work List View.
WorkViewsResult Result containing a list of TibcoBaseView which contain details of the Work Views.
WorkViewsResult2 Result containing a list of TibcoBaseView2 which contain details of the Work Views.

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