Package com.tibco.webcomp.client

Interface Summary
LoadReadyCallbackHandler This callback handler is called when the application code has initialized and is ready to process calls to WebCompRunner.loadComponent(WebCompType, String, WebCompLoadParams, WebCompLoadCallbackHandler)

©2014 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

LoginCompleteCallbackHandler Called when the login actions are complete.
SelectionCallbackHandler Called when items are selected in the WebComp view.
UnloadCallbackHandler Called when the WebComp view is removed from the DOM.
WebComp Provides the interface to interact with a Web Component.
WebCompLoadCallbackHandler Called after the WebComp is loaded.

Class Summary
WebCompLoadParams Holds the parameters used to specify how Web Components load.
WebCompRunner Main class that provides API access to TIBCO Web Components.

Enum Summary
WebCompLoadParams.ParamName Parameter names used to specify how Web Components load.
WebCompType Web Component types that can be loaded using WebCompRunner.loadComponent(WebCompType, String, WebCompLoadParams, WebCompLoadCallbackHandler)

©2014 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Exception Summary
WebCompRuntimeException Wraps WebComp runtime errors.

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