Creating an SMTP Resource Instance

An SMTP resource instance must exist in the BPM runtime before you can deploy the AcknowledgeClaim application. This resource instance defines the connection information used by the BPM runtime to contact the SMTP mail server.

There are several different types of resource instance. An SMTP resource instance must be used to provide a connection to an SMTP mail server.

To define a resource instance, you must use the Administrator interface in the BPM runtime to:


  1. create a resource template. A resource template specifies configuration properties for resource instances.
  2. create a resource instance based on the resource template, and install it on a host. A resource instance represents a resource shared between applications. It is then available to applications running on that node—in this case, to the AcknowledgeClaim application.


This step assumes that you have created the XYZ Work Server1 Deployment Server, as described in the How to Implement and Deploy the WelcomeUsers Application tutorial.

Note: If you do not have access to the Administrator interface in the BPM runtime, you will need to get an administrator to perform this step for you.