Examining the Starting Process

The DynamicSubProcTutorial project provides a partly-completed process.


  1. In Project Explorer, open the project, expand Processes and open the InitialConsultation process.
  2. The InitialConsultation process looks like this:

    Some of the tasks display error markers. These will be resolved during the course of this tutorial.

  3. It contains the following formal parameters and data fields:
    Parameter Details
    Address1stline Text, Length 50
    BloodTestComments Text, Length 50
    Complaint Text, Length 50
    Forename Text, Length 50
    Gender Text, Length 6
    LastName Text, Length 50
    mail_To Text, Length 75
    NeedBloodTest Boolean
    NeedXRay Boolean
    PostCode Text, Length 10
    XRayComments Text, Length 50
    Data Field Details
    ApptTimeArr Array of Date Times
    BloodTestAppointment Date Time
    DeptArr Array of Text, Length 15
    ProcessIdentifierArr Array of Text, Length 50
    TestCommentsArr Array of Text, Length 50
    XRayAppointment Date Time

    These are all initially set as Input parameters.

  4. Select the Initialize task.
  5. On the General tab, the script sets a default value for the mail_To variable. Change it from "yourname@company.com" to your own email address.