Viewing Details of Deleted Users

You can view information about deleted users, such as their GUID, the date they were deleted, and so on.

Note: Deleted users can be purged from the system as well; once purged, their details are no longer available using this procedure -- see Purging Deleted Users.


  1. Display the list of deleted users as described in Viewing Deleted Users.
  2. From the list of deleted users, select a single user.
  3. Click the Actions link, then select Show Deleted User Details.

    Details of the deleted user is shown in the right pane. For example:

    This contains the following information:

    Name Description
    GUID The unique identifier of the user.
    DateDeleted The date and time the user was deleted, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.nnn.
    LDAPContainer The LDAP container ID of the LDAP container that the user was associated with (if the user was associated with an LDAP container).
    LDAP Alias The LDAP Alias of the LDAP Container that the user was associated with (if the user was associated with an LDAP container).
    LDAP DN The DN (Distinguished Name) for the user, which uniquely identifies the user in the LDAP source.