Viewing Deleted Users

Using the Organization Browser, you can view a list of resources that have been deleted from ActiveMatrix BPM.


  1. From the Organization Browser, select Resources.
  2. Select the button to the right of Home and LDAP Resources buttons:

    Note that the button to the right of the Home and LDAP Resources buttons depends on what, if anything, you have previously viewed in the Organization Browser. In this example, the "Corp" LDAP container had been viewed previously. If you have not viewed anything yet, the button is TIBCO Administrator.

  3. From the drop-down list, select Deleted Users.
    A list of deleted users displays. For example:

    Notice that the only icon above the list of deleted users that is enabled is the Select All icon (and the Clear All icon if one or more users are selected). All actions on deleted users are performed using the Actions link on the right side of the pane. For example, if John Eustace is selected from the list of deleted users, various actions are available from the Actions menu:

    The functions on the Actions menu are described in subsequent topics.

What to do next

From the list of deleted users, you can: