
The <bpm-business-actions-drop-down> business component displays a menu of the business actions available to the logged in user.

The data is displayed using an accordion control, which:

  • allows you to start a selected business action (using the BPMBusinessActionsService.startBizAction operation).
  • provides a search control.
  • provides a count of the total number of business actions in the menu.

If you want to customize the contents of the <bpm-business-actions-drop-down> business component, see Customizing a Business Component for more information.


Note: In ActiveMatrix BPM 4.0 the <bpm-business-actions-drop-down> business component was called <business-actions-drop-down>. In this release of ActiveMatrix BPM you can use either name to call this business component, as follows:
   // all attributes are the same as for <bpm-business-actions-drop-down>
   // ...
However, best practise is to use <bpm-business-actions-drop-down>. <business-actions-drop-down> has been deprecated in ActiveMatrix BPM 4.1 and may be removed in a later release.


Name Type Description
actions-count Number Number of business actions in the business actions menu. This value is populated by the BPMBusinessActionsService.fetchTopCategories or fetchChildCategories operation.
set-main-content Function reference Updates the parent scope or application about what is being shown in the main content area.
form-div String ID of the <div> element in which an opened business action form is to be rendered.
action-groups Array List of business actions, mapped to their categories, available to the logged in user. This array is populated by the BPMBusinessActionsService.fetchTopCategories or fetchChildCategories operation.
toggle-expand-fn Function reference Notifies the parent scope about toggling of the business actions menu.
expand-actions Boolean Defines whether the business actions menu should be initially displayed as expanded (true) or contracted (false).
template-path String (Optional) Relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template.


The <bpm-business-actions-drop-down> business component is used:

  • on the BUSINESS ACTIONS tab of the Component Showcase application. See BUSINESS ACTIONS for more information about how it is used.
  • in the My Work App application, available as the Business Actions accordion control in the side bar. (See workapp/index.html).