Sample Applications

A number of sample applications are provided with TIBCO Workspace.

The samples are located in the following directory:



  • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
  • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.

The following summarizes the sample applications that are provided with Workspace. Note, however, with the exception of a couple, the samples are not described in detail here, but rather they are described in detail in other parts of the Workspace documentation, as they apply to those areas.

The sample applications provided with TIBCO Workspace are:

  • PageBus Payload Applications - This sample consists of two applications. One (pageBusPayloadHelperApp) is used to create and generate the PageBus event payload that represents a work item or process instance list. The second (pageBusPayloadPublishApp) is used to publish the generated event so that the work item or process instance list is rendered in the desired location.

    For more information, see the “Non-WCC Code Publishing Events” section in the “Using WCC Components in Mash-Ups” chapter of the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • Login Managed Hub - This sample application (wccLoginManagedHub) illustrates how to do the following when using iframes and the PageBus Managed Hub:
    • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
    • Display a component (e.g., the Organization Browser) in an iframe.
    • Publish an externalShowEvents event, which allows an external application to add a temporary event view to the event view list.

      For more information, see the “Using WCC Components in Mash-Ups” chapter in the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • PassThru Managed Hub - This sample application (wccPassThruManagedHub) illustrates how to do the following when using iframes and the PageBus Managed Hub:
    • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
    • Publish a passThruEvent event, which passes through the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub, where the IframeClient subscribes to the event and displays either a work item list or process instance list, depending on the payload in the published event.

      For more information, see the “Using WCC Components in Mash-Ups” chapter in the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • Custom Menus - This sample application (customMenusSample) illustrates how to add custom menus and/or toolbar buttons to an application.

    For more information about this sample application, see Adding Custom Menus and Toolbar Buttons.

  • Application Methods - This sample application (wccApplicationMethods) provides an example of the available Tools interface methods in the Application class. It provides a UI that allows you to enter the needed information (e.g., work item ID, version number, etc.), then execute a method.

    This sample application is described in the “Tools Interface Methods” section in the “WCC Public Methods” chapter of the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • ApiSample - This sample application (wccApiSample) demonstrates the use of server requests, which provide a means of accessing certain types of BPM data that are normally only exposed through visual WCC components. This sample application provides a UI that allows you to execute each of the available server requests, then receive a response from the request.

    This sample application is described in the “Server Requests” section in the “WCC Public Methods” chapter of the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • User Access Sample - This sample application (wccAccessSample) provides an example of:
    • Adding custom menus and toolbar buttons to a WCC application
    • Adding subordinate items to the custom menus and toolbar buttons.
    • Limiting access to specific items on custom menus and toolbar buttons.
    • Controlling access to various parts of a WCC application (including the Workspace application).
    • Starting business services through code.

      For more information about this sample application, see User Access Sample Application.

  • Callouts Sample - This sample application illustrates the use of the available callout interface methods. These methods allow you to callout, or inject, custom specifications in WCC applications, including the Workspace application. The callout interface methods can be used to do the following:
    • Define custom filters, sorts, filter attributes, sort attributes, and display columns on various lists.
    • Restrict the list of processes that are available to a user when creating a process view or starting a process instance.
    • Restrict the list of business services or business service categories that are available to a user when starting a business service.
    • Specify characteristics of lists displayed in the application, for example, font size, font color, alignment, etc.

      This sample application is described in the “Callout Interface Methods” section in the “WCC Public Methods” chapter of the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

  • Login Session - This sample application, which works in conjunction with the openworkitem Application, illustrates ways to establish and maintain a login session so that users do not need to be authenticated every time the openworkitem application is invoked.

    For more information about this sample application, see Login Session Sample Application.

  • Custom Interfaces - Samples are provided that illustrate each of the available custom interface types: Simple iFrame, Simple Managed Hub iFrame, Simple Prototype, and Scripted Interface.

    For informaiton about these samples, see Sample Custom Interfaces.