Disabling a Currently Deployed Application

You can disable a currently deployed application. The method you use to disable the application depends on whether you are disabling it on a temporary basis (for example, to prevent access during maintenance), or for a longer period of time.

  • Short-term - To disable an application short-term, use the Configuration Administrator.

    When an application is disabled via the Configuration Administrator, and a user attempts to access it, the Login screen is displayed. When the user logs in, configuration data is accessed from the database, then the user is notified that the application is disabled (and the browser is closed if the browser security allows it), or they are redirected to another URL (redirection is described below).

  • Long-term - To disable an application for a longer term, directly update the config.xml file on the BPM runtime machine, rather than via the Configuration Administrator.

    When an application is disabled via an updated config.xml file on the BPM runtime machine, the user is immediately notified that the application is disabled (and the browser is closed if the browser security allows it), or they are redirected to another URL (redirection is described below). When the application is disabled in this way, the Login screen is not displayed.

    Note: Both of the methods described above can be used to disable the Workspace application. However, a custom WCC application can only be disabled by using the Configuration Administrator, as the specific location in the file system in which the WCC application is deployed is indeterminable—it contains GUIDs determined at deployment time. To disable a custom WCC application on a long-term or permanent basis, you would typically stop or undeploy it using TIBCO Administrator. For information about stopping and undeploying applications, see the TIBCO Administrator documentation.

Also note that an application that is disabled can still be accessed by the System Administrator. For information, see Accessing a Disabled Application by the System Administrator.

Redirecting to a URL

When you disable an application, you can also specify that if a user attempts to access the application that they be redirected to a specific URL. Specifying the URL to which they are to be redirected is described in the steps below that describe disabling an application.

Note that if the redirection URL is set to an empty string, instead of redirecting the user, the message specified in the txtAppDisabled variable is displayed (this variable is located in the ...\JSXAPPS\base\locale\locale.xml file). By default, the txtAppDisabled variable contains the message “This application is disabled”, but can be changed and/or localized if desired.

Accessing a Disabled Application by the System Administrator

The System Administrator user (out-of-the-box, the System Administrator user’s name and password are “tibco-admin” and “secret”, respectively, but may have been changed) can log into a disabled application by appending the application URL with “?adminBypass=true”. For example:


If accessed using this URL, the Login screen is displayed, allowing the user to log in. If a user other than the System Administrator attempts to log in, a message is displayed stating that the application is disabled, then the application reloads and the Login screen is re-displayed.