Configure the Organizational Recipient

The Target screen allows you to configure the organizational recipient whose work items you want to view, for example, if you want to see all the work items for a particular organizational unit or location.


  1. From the Type of View drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • View is of user's own work list. Select this if this is a work view you are creating for other users to apply to their own work lists.
    • View is of an entity in the organization model. Select this if you are creating a work view for a particular organizational entity. For example, an organization unit or location.
      Note: This option is only available if you have the browseModel and resourceAdmin system actions.
      Openspace checks to ensure each entity you select when creating the work view can view the work list. Each entity must have the correct viewWorkList system action. If any entities to do not have this permission, the view is not created. A list of entities that do not have the required permissions are shown when attempting to complete the step. See Work View Permissions for more information.
      Note: Organizations are modeled in TIBCO Business Studio Organization Modeler. See TIBCO Business Studio Process Modeling User’s Guide for more information.
    • View is of all work items. Select this if you are creating a work view to view all work items in the system. You must have the viewGlobalWorkList system action for this option to be available.
      Note: If you select this, Openspace checks to ensure you have the viewGlobalWorkList system action. If you do not have permission, the view is not created.
    If you selected View is of a user's own work list or View is of all work items, click Next to continue. If you selected View is of an entity in the organization model, go to step 2.
  2. If you selected View is of an entity in the organization model, the Target screen displays.
  3. From the Type of work items to show drop-down list, select either:
    • View is of OFFERED work items. Select this if you want to see work items that are offered.
    • View is of ALLOCATED work items. Select this if you want to see work items that are allocated.
    If a resource is selected this option is disabled as a view for a resource always shows both OFFERED and ALLOCATED work items. See Work Item State for more information.
  4. From the Version drop-down list, select the version number of the organization model where the organizational entity resides.
  5. You can either:
    • Use the graphical display of the organization model in the left hand pane to drill down to the organizational entity you want to select. Clicking an organizational entity or an LDAP container in the left pane causes the resource list to be displayed in the right pane. If you select an organizational entity like a group or location, the work view displays the work items for all the child organizational entities in the parent entity.
    • Use the Search function.
    1. To use the Search function, from the Criteria drop-down list, select the type of entity you require. This list contains the following:
      • Resource - searches for a resource by name.
      • Group - searches for a resource by group.
      • Position - searches for a resource by position.
      • Location - searches for a resource by location.
      • rql - allows you to enter a string using rql to find resource. See the TIBCO Organization Browser User’s Guide for more information.
    2. In the Search box, type the search criteria you want to search for. You can use wild card characters, see Using Wild Card Characters for more information. You can use multiple wild card characters.
    3. Click .
  6. Click Show entity names if you want Openspace to display the internal name of the organizational entity, rather than its label.
    By default, Openspace displays the organizational entity’s label.