
Returns the XML node (jsx3.xml.Entity), which can be used by custom WCC applications when including custom menus and toolbar buttons.

Custom menus and toolbar buttons can be added to the standard components (WorkItemList, ProcessInstanceList, etc.) using the customMenus parameter in the custom application’s config.xml file (for more information, see the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide).

A custom WCC application can also add custom menus and toolbar buttons to other components by calling the getCustomMenuNode method on the WCC application instance and providing its own handling for adding the menu or toolbar specified by the node. For an example of how this is done for the “MainAppToolbar” in the Workspace application, see the loadWorkspaceCustomMenu method, which is located as follows:



  • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
  • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.

Also see: loadCustomMenu




  • type - (String) The custom type:
    • “menu” - a custom menu item.
    • “toolbar” - a custom toolbar button.
  • parentId - (String) The value of the config.xml menu element parent attribute to match. See loadCustomMenu for valid values.


  • jsx3.xml.Entity - The XML node, if found, otherwise, a null is returned.