
This method loads a custom menu or toolbar button if a definition is found in the customMenus parameter in the config.xml file.

This method is called by various WCC components that allow custom menus and toolbar buttons (those that are represented by the valid values for the parentId parameter — see below).

Your extending Application class can override this method, and include custom functionality as required.

The extending method must call the following method to include the functionality provided in the base Application class:

  • this.jsxsuper();

This method can also be overridden by the custom application to check for authority to access the custom menu and toolbar button. See the loadCustomMenu method in the following file for an example of using the isAuth method to check authority:


where wccApp is the name of your custom WCC application.

For more information about adding custom menus and toolbar buttons to your custom application, see the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide.

Also see: getCustomMenuNode




  • type - (String) Identifies whether it’s a custom menu or toolbar button. The valid values are:
    • “menu”
    • “toolbar”
  • parentId - (String) Identifies where the custom menu or toolbar is to be added. This value must match the value in the customMenus parameter in the config.xml file. The valid values are:
    • “AuditEventList”
    • “BusinessServiceList”
    • “EventViewList”
    • “ProcessInstanceList”
    • “ProcessTemplateList”
    • “ProcessViewList”
    • “WorkItemList”
    • “WorkViewList”

      Also note that a custom WCC application can set other values by calling getCustomMenuNode on the WCC application instance and providing its own handling for adding the menu or toolbar specified by the node. For more information, see getCustomMenuNode.

  • container - (Object) The parent jsx3.gui object to load the custom menu or toolbar into.

