Class QueryEventCollector

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, OSAction<QueryEventCollectorResult>, net.customware.gwt.dispatch.shared.Action<QueryEventCollectorResult>

public class QueryEventCollector
extends java.lang.Object
implements OSAction<QueryEventCollectorResult>

Run a query against the Event Collector Audit Trail.

This service can be used to retrieve audit information for a particular Process Template Instance.

See the Event Collector documentation for details of possible query strings.

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
QueryEventCollector(java.lang.String query, boolean getAllAttributes, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> requiredAttributes)
          Constructs a new QueryEventCollector Action
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getQuery()
          The query to execute.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getRequiredAttributes()
          When getAllAttributes is false a list of attributes can be specified here.
 boolean isGetAllAttributes()
          Should all attributes be retrieved or just the specified set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryEventCollector(java.lang.String query,
                           boolean getAllAttributes,
                           java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> requiredAttributes)
Constructs a new QueryEventCollector Action

query - The query to execute.

To retrieve all the Process Engine events for instance ID pvm:0a100 ( Task creation / completion etc ) the following string could be used :

"componentId = 'BX' AND messageCategory = 'PROCESS_INSTANCE' AND managedObjectId = 'pvm:0a100'"

getAllAttributes - Should all attributes be retrieved or just the specified set.
requiredAttributes - When getAllAttributes is false a list of attributes can be specified here.

These attributes are specified on OSAuditConstants with an ATTRIB_ prefix.

For example ATTRIB_MESSAGEID would return the messageId attribute.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getQuery()
The query to execute.

To retrieve all the Process Engine events for instance ID pvm:0a100 ( Task creation / completion etc ) the following string could be used :

"componentId = 'BX' AND messageCategory = 'PROCESS_INSTANCE' AND managedObjectId = 'pvm:0a100'"

Returns the query.


public boolean isGetAllAttributes()
Should all attributes be retrieved or just the specified set.

Returns the getAllAttributes.


public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getRequiredAttributes()
When getAllAttributes is false a list of attributes can be specified here.

These attributes are specified on OSAuditConstants with an ATTRIB_ prefix.

For example ATTRIB_MESSAGEID would return the messageId attribute.

Returns the requiredAttributes.

Copyright © 2015 Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.