Configure Ports

Regarding ports, the configuration option proxy_client_listen_port can be specified when creating a grid or proxy. This is the port that a proxy binds to when listening for incoming TCP connections. When specified at the grid level, all proxies inherit this value and listen for clients on this port.

For example:
grid create copyset_size=1 proxy_client_listen_port=8890
proxy create p1

This works as long as there is only one proxy running on each computer. If two proxies are started on the same computer and both try to bind to port 8890, the second proxy fails to start due to an error. To avoid this, override the configuration option at the proxy level when creating a specific proxy to override the listen port specified at the grid level.

For example, in the following grid configuration, p1 inherits and listen on port 8890, p2 overrides its listen port with the specified port 8891, and both proxies are able to run on the same computer:
proxy create proxy_client_listen_port=8891 p2