Configure Internal Subnet Masks

For internal communication between the TIBCO ActiveSpaces server processes (tibdgproxy, tibdgnode, and tibdgkeeper), you can specify the subnet mask to be used for this internal communication between server processes by using the configuration option grid_internal_subnet_mask. This option is different from the other configuration options described because it does not influence the client-to-proxy communication. It also can only be specified at the grid level.

For example:
grid create copyset_size=1 grid_internal_subnet_mask=

Setting this configuration option causes all communication between proxy, node, and state keeper processes to occur on the specified interface. This option can also be combined with the two proxy configuration options proxy_client_listen_subnet_mask and proxy_client_listen_port.

The following is an example of specifying all 3 options at the grid level:
grid create copyset_size=1 proxy_client_listen_subnet_mask= proxy_client_listen_port=8890 grid_internal_subnet_mask=