Restoring State Keepers

See the section, Checkpoints for information on where to locate the nodes that contain a checkpoint’s metadata subdirectory and the state keeper recovery file. The state keeper recovery file is named statekeeper-recovery.


When restoring your state keepers, ensure that the same checkpoint recovery file is used when restarting each state keeper. To restore your state keepers from a checkpoint recovery file, ensure that you complete the following steps
  1. Ensure the realm services have been restored as described in the section, Realm Service Checkpoint Restore.
  2. Ensure all state keepers are stopped.


  1. Locate the statekeeper-recovery file associated with the checkpoint that you want to restore the state keeper from. Note its path.
  2. Restart all state keepers by using the same version of the recovery file. Use the --recovery-file or -R command-line options.
    tibdgkeeper -r <realm service URL> -n <state keeper name> --recovery-file <path to statekeeper-recovery file>

    The same command can be used to restore a single state keeper or each state keeper of a fault tolerant set of state keepers.