Realm Service Database Restore

After a backup of the primary realm service is created, you can restore the realm service from the backup by using this procedure.


  1. Stop all TIBCO FTL Servers to stop all running realm services.
  2. For the TIBCO FTL Server being restored, ensure its data directory (as defined in the YAML configuration file) is created and empty.
  3. From the backup that was previously taken, find the appropriate config dat.backup file.
    The naming convention for the FTL Server realm data backup is backups\config_<name>_<timestamp>.dat.backup. For example, config_SRV1_2019-12-04_11-11-33-913.dat.backup.
  4. Copy the config_<name>_<timestamp>.dat.backup file into the empty data directory to restore from the backup and rename it to config_<name>.dat. For example, config_SRV1.dat.
  5. Start the TIBCO FTL Server again. It loads the restored config_<name>.dat file and starts up.