Configure Eclipse to run the JMS example

Now we'll configure Eclipse to run the examples on the installed domain.

  1. Under the "Run" menu, select "Run Configurations".

  2. Right-click on on Maven Build, and select "New".

  3. Rename "New_Configuration" to jms.

  4. In the Main tab,

    • Set the Base directory: choose Browse Workspace, select jms, and click OK.

    • Set Goals to compile fluency:exec.

    • Set the following parameters:

      com.kabira.fluency.hostName(The IP address of the Domain Manager node)
    Run Configurations - jms

    Figure 4.9. Run Configurations - jms

  5. Click the "Apply" button.

  6. Click "Run" to build and run the JMS example. The console pane will open and you should see a bunch of output, ending with:

    Console output for JMS example

    Figure 4.10. Console output for JMS example