Importing Model from Database Objects

You can design a repository model by importing a database schema objects (table or Foreign Key constraints) in the TIBCO MDM Studio.

Note: To use Database Schema Import, you must have a database connection. For more information on creating a new database connection refer toCreating a New Database Connection profile.

For each selected table/view, repository would be generated and table column definitions are mapped as repository attribute. Foreign key constraints are mapped as relationship between the repositories. For example, the Table/View name is mapped to Repository Name and the Column Name is mapped to Attribute Name.

Schema Object MDM Mapping
Table/View Repository Name
Column Attribute
Column Name Attribute Name
Column Type Attribute Type. For more information, refer to MDM data type Mapping
Column Length Attribute Length
Foreign key constraint Relationship

The Foreign key becomes the relationship between repositories (Selected table is source repository and R_TABLE is target repository). For repository attribute, Oracle and SQL server data types are mapped as:

MDM data type Mapping

MDM Data Type Oracle data type SQL Server data type
String VARCHAR2 nvarchar, varchar, sysname
Decimal NUMBER numeric
Integer INTEGER Int, tinyint, smallint, bigint
Date DATE datetime2
Timestamp TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP(6) datetime
File BLOB, CLOB varbinary
Boolean BIT bit