The Merging Process

TIBCO Forms creates a merged bundle of common resources from the overridden resource keys and the default resource keys from the base bundle. This merged bundle resides in the Presentation Resources folder.

Note: The .common sub-folder is hidden by default. To display it, you need to disable the .*resources Project Explorer filter.

The entries in your <custom>.properties file are compared with the existing entries in the default file. If a resource key already exists in the default file, its value in the <custom>.properties file is used in the merged bundle. If the resource key is not in the default file, it is added to the new merged file.

If the custom bundle does not specify a file for a specific locale, the entire file from the default bundle is passed on to the merged bundle. Similarly, you can also specify a new locale that is not a part of the default bundle.

The figure Merging Process illustrates the merging process.

Merging Process