Exporting Decision Tables to the Microsoft Excel Files at the Command Line

You can export a single decision table or all the decision tables from a project folder to the respective Microsoft Excel files using the command line.


  1. Navigate to BE_HOME/studio/bin/ and open a command prompt.
  2. Execute a command with the following format (all in one line) at a command prompt:
    studio-tools -dt exportToExcel [-h] -studioProjPath studioProjectDir -dtPath decisionTablePath -excelPath exportedExcelFilePath [-useColumnAlias exportColumnAlias -e earPath
    For example:
    studio-tools -dt exportToExcel -studioProjPath D:/be/5.2/examples/standard/WebStudio/CreditCardApplication -dtPath /Virtual_RF -excelPath C:/temp/exportedDTs -e D:/be/5.2/examples/standard/WebStudio/CreditCardApplication.ear
    TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio Tools Options for Exporting Decision Tables to Excel Files
    Option Description
    -dt exportToExcel Within the dt category of operations, specifies the exportToExcel operation for exporting single or all decision tables to Microsoft Excel files.
    -h Optional. Displays help.
    -studioProjPath The file path to the TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio project, from which the decision table is exported.
    -dtPath The project relative path of the decision table to be exported. The path could be for a decision table file or the folder containing decision tables to be exported.
    -excelPath The file path where the exported Excel files are generated.
    -useColumnAlias Optional. Whether to use column alias in the exported Excel files.
    -e The file path of the project EAR file.