Configuring SSL-Based HTTP Communication Between Decision Manager And Rule Management Server

Using one-way SSL authentication, you can verify the identity of the Decision Manager client from the Rule Management Server (RMS).


  1. Open the RMS.cdd file for editing.
    The file is located at BE_HOME/rms/bin/RMS.cdd.
  2. In the Default PU, edit the property and remove the /Transports/Channels/AMS_CH_ArtifactSecureCommunicationHTTPChannel entry from its values.
  3. Save the RMS.cdd file.
  4. Start the RMS server.
  5. Open the decisionmanager.ini file for editing.
    The file is located at BE_HOME/decisionmanager/eclipse/decisionmanager.ini.
  6. Add the following Java property in the file:<BE_HOME>\rms\config\security\SSLKeyStore.ks

    Replace BE_HOME with the actual path.

  7. Start Decision Manager.
  8. In Decision Manager, click RMS > Login and enter https://localhost:8443/Transports/Channels/AMS_CH_ArtifactSecureCommunicationHTTPChannel/ in Management Server URL. Login using the RMS Username and Password.