Creating Schema with XSD/WSDL

BusinessWorks Plug-in Development Kit can parse the input, output, and fault schema from an XSD or a WSDL file.


  1. In the Define Activities, Process Starters and Signal-In dialog, select XSD/WSDL from the Resource schema type list.
  2. Click Browse to locate a predefined XSD or a WSDL file.
  3. Select a predefined element that you want to use as the input, output, or fault schema. If you want to define multiple faults, you have to add the fault element one by one.
    The XSD schema in the selected XSD or WSDL file must conform to the following rules:
    • Contains a namespace.
    • Does not contain an include element.
    • If the XSD schema uses the import element, ensure the schemaLocation element is also used and the value of the schemaLocation element is the relative path of the imported schema.
    • The value of the elementFormatDefault attribute is unqualified.


Use the following XSD file as an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<schema xmlns:tns="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">	
<element name="YourInput" type="tns:YourInputType"/>
<complexType name="YourInputType">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="YourName" type="string"/>

<element name="YourOutput" type="tns:YourOutputType"/>
<complexType name="YourOutputType">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="Output" type="string"/>

<element name="PluginException" type="tns:PluginExceptionType"/>		
<complexType name="PluginExceptionType">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="PluginfileExceptionMessage" type="string"/>

<element name="InputFileException" type="tns:InputFileExceptionType"/>
<complexType name="InputFileExceptionType">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="fileInfo" type="tns:fileInfoType">
<complexType name="fileInfoType">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="fullName" type="string">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="fileName" type="string">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="location" type="string">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="configuredFileName" type="string">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="type" type="string">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="readProtected" type="boolean">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="writeProtected" type="boolean">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="size" type="long">
        <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="lastModified" type="string"/>
When adding and configuring activities in the Define Activities, Process Starters and Signal-In dialog, use the example XSD file to configure the activity schema:
  • Select the YourInput element as the activity input.
  • Select the YourOutput element as the output.
  • Select the InputFileException element as one fault.
  • Select the PluginException element as another fault.

After generating the activity, click the Input, Output, and Fault tabs accordingly to check the schema:

The following example is the generated input schema based on the selected XSD file:

The following example is the generated output schema based on the selected XSD file:

The following example is the generated fault schema based on the selected XSD file: