AMQP Connection

The AMQP Connection shared resource contains all the necessary parameters that have to be configured when you use TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for AMQP to connect to the AMQP server. The AMQP Connection shared resource is used by all the activities in the AMQP palette.


The following table lists the fields in the General panel:

Field Module Property? Description
Package No The name of the package where the shared resource is added.
Name No The name to be displayed as the label for the shared resource in the process.
Description No A short description for the shared resource.

AMQP Connection Resource Configuration

The following table lists the fields in the AMQP Connection Resource Configuration panel:

Field Module Property? Description
BrokerType No Specifies which broker is used for the connection. Available brokers are listed as follows:
  • Qpid-1-0
  • RabbitMQ-0-9
  • ActiveMQ-1-0
  • AzureSB-1-0

The default broker is Qpid-1-0.

HostPort Yes Specifies the host name or IP address.
Note: This field is available only when Qpid-1-0, RabbitMQ-0-9, or ActiveMQ-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
VirtualHost Yes Specifies the namespace for entities, such as exchanges and queues.
Note: This field is available only when Qpid-1-0 or RabbitMQ-0-9 is selected from the BrokerType list.
Username Yes Specifies the user name that you use to get access to the AMQP server.
Note: This field is available only when Qpid-1-0, RabbitMQ-0-9, or ActiveMQ-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
Password Yes Specifies the password that you use to get access to the AMQP server.
Connection String Yes

Specifies the value used to connect to Azure Service Bus Broker instance.

The syntax is Endpoint=sb://<Namespace>

Note: This field is available only when AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
Shared Access Key Name

Specifies the name of the shared access policy created for an entity.

Note: This field is available only when AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
Shared Access Key

Specifies the key for Shared Access Key Name.

Note: This field is available only when AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
Entity Name

Specifies the queue name created on Azure Service Bus namespace.

Note: This field is available only when AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list.
ConnectionTimeout(msec) Yes Specifies how long in milliseconds the connection remains active if no action is performed.

The default value is 3000.

Note: For failover, increase the connection timeout to allow transition from one server to another server.
Connection Recovery No If this check box is selected, the connection between the plug-in and the server is automatically made if the connection is interrupted.
Note: In the sender activity, when the Active MQ server is set up in leader-follower mode, when the master server is down, an error is displayed on the sender activity.
Retry Interval (msec) Yes Specifies the time period in milliseconds between successive attempts made to establish an interrupted connection again.

The default value is 3000.

Note: This field is available when ActiveMQ-1-0, Qpid-1-0, or AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list and the Connection Recovery check box is selected.
Retry Attempts Yes Specifies the times to attempt to establish a connection after the connection was interrupted.

The default value is 20.

Note: This field is available only when ActiveMQ-1-0, Qpid-1-0, or AzureSB-1-0 is selected from the BrokerType list and the Connection Recovery check box is selected.
NetworkRecoveryInterval(msec) Yes Specifies the time period in milliseconds between successive attempts made to establish an interrupted connection again.

The default value is 5000.

Note: This field is available only when RabbitMQ-0-9 is selected from the BrokerType list and the Connection Recovery check box is selected.
Test Connection No Click this button to validate the connection.


SSL configuration is applicable for RabbitMQ-0-9, ActiveMQ-1-0, and Qpid-1-0 brokers. The following table lists the fields in the SSL panel:

Field Module Property? Description
Confidentiality No If you want to choose an existing SSL Client shared resource or create one, select this check box. This shared resource contains specified SSL information for connection to an AMQP broker.

See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks documentation for more details.

SSL Client No Select an SSL Client shared resource to establish a connection between the plug-in and the specified AMQP broker.