Configuring Two-Way SSL Authentication
The two-way SSL authentication configuration is only used when the plug-in authenticates the connected Microsoft Dynamics CRM server and the connected Microsoft Dynamics CRM server also authenticates the plug-in.
Note: If you want to use a two-way SSL authentication to secure the message exchange between the plug-in and Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, ensure that you select the
Enable Mutual Authentication check box in the
Basic SSL Server Configuration panel.
- Procedure
- On the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premise server, generate a keystore file in the PKCS #12 format that contains a valid certification for the client.
For example,
Keytool -genkey -v -alias clientkey -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -keystore file_fullpath
- Configure SSL information in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server:
- Change the extension of the keystore file from
.p12 to
.xml, and then upload it to the
Web Resources page.
You can find the Web Resources page by clicking .
- Specify the certification name and password on the Configuration page of the Dynamics CRM solution.
See Configurations for Dynamics CRM Solution for more information.
- Change the extension of the keystore file from
.p12 to
.xml, and then upload it to the
Web Resources page.
- Configure the SSL server authentication for the SSL Server Configuration shared resource in TIBCO Business Studio:
- Export the client certification, created in step 1, and save it in the .cer format, and then import the .cer file to the Trust Store located in the TIBCO_HOME/tibcojre64/1.8.0/lib/security/cacerts directory.
- Select the Enable Mutual Authentication check box in the created SSL Server Configuration shared resource, as described in Configuring One-Way SSL Authentication.
- In the
Keystore Provider as Trust Store field, click
to select a Keystore Provider resource.
The selected Keystore Provider resource provides access to a trust store. The plug-in accesses the keystore to verify the identity of the connected Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.
If no Keystore Provider resource is available, click Create Shared Resource to create one. See Creating a Keystore Provider Resource for more details.