LLP Example

The \bw\palettes\hl7\<version_number>\samples\LLP folder contains sample projects that help you understand how to transport HL7 messages by using Lower Level Protocol (LLP).

For more information about the LLP activities, see LLPReceiver, LLPRequestResponse, and LLPResponse.

Example Data Files

These examples make use of the data files found in the \bw\palettes\hl7\<version_number>\samples\LLP\DataAndGuidelines\Data folder:

  • ADT_A05NE.hl7 - The HL7 message file that triggers the Illustrate NE process.
  • ADT_A05AL.hl7 - The HL7 message file that triggers the Illustrate AL process.

Process Description

This example contains the following predefined processes: