HL7 Custom Functions

An important part of any HL7 integration project is the data mapping from one message format to another. ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks offers advanced functionality in data mapping, including drag-and-drop and a comprehensive suite of built-in functions.

However, no matter how complete the built-in functions are, there is always a need to customize, especially in the healthcare industry. ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for HL7 with FHIR includes a useful set of custom functions.

For more information about writing, loading, and using your own custom functions, see the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks documentation .

Using HL7 Custom Functions

ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for HL7 with FHIR includes a set of HL7-related custom functions, which are specified in the bwpluginhl7_HOME/resources/HL7CustomFunctions.class file.

To use these functions:
  1. Create or open a project in TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Load the pre-defined class file into the project by using the Java Custom Function resource.

Custom Functions Usage

To see the HL7 specific custom functions:
  1. Click an Activity in the Process editor.
  2. In the properties pane, select the appropriate tab (usually the Input tab) and click the Functions tab in the XPath Formula Builder dialog box.
  3. Expand the HL7 Functions folder. The custom HL7 functions appear.

Available HL7 Custom Functions

Function Description and Sample Usage
HL7ToDisplayable Replaces \r with system line separator.

Sample usage:


currentTimeMillis Returns current time in milliseconds.
currentTimeStamp Returns current timestamp in HL7 format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.
deleteSegments Returns HL7 message after the specified segments are removed.

Sample usage:


Sample output:

The EVN and ZSH segments are removed from the message.

displayableToHL7 HL7 requires that all segments end with \r. This function converts DOS/UNIX format file into HL7 ER7 format.

Sample usage:


extractField Extracts the indexed field from HL7 Message from the first segment with a given segment name.

Sample usage:


generateNewGUID Generates a unique ID.
generateHash Generates a hash for a file based on mandatory input parameter <file> and an optional input parameter <algorithm>. If an algorithm is not specified, the hash is generated by using the "SHA-1" algorithm as default. The function is flexible to generate hash using different algorithms such as MD5.

Sample usage: Can be used to generate the hash of a file that you want to attach to a resource. For more information, see Attachments for Resources.

Sample output: 3F1364458FDDEC2C6B8ECBE8459B87CB1163F488

separateMsgsFromBatch Returns individual messages in the batch by removing FHS/BHS/BTS/FTS segments.
trimEmptyFields Trims empty fields from an HL7 message.