Parser and Renderer Example

The \bw\palettes\hl7\<version_number>\samples\ParserAndRenderer folder contains sample projects that help you understand how to translate input data from one data format to another data format.

For more information about translating data, see TranslateHL7.

Example Data Files

These examples make use of the following data file found at the following location - \bw\palettes\hl7\<version_number>\samples\ParserAndRenderer\DataAndGuidelines\Data:

  • ADT_A05.hl7 - The HL7 ADT_A05 message that triggers the ParseAndRender process.

Example Guideline and Map Files

These examples make use of the following guideline and map files found in the \bw\palettes\hl7\<version_number>\samples\ParserAndRenderer\SchemaFiles\Guidelines area:

  • HL7_26_ADT_A05.std - The schema definition for an ADT_A05 message in HL7 format. This is the source guideline that describes the message before translation.
  • HL7_26_ADT_A05.xsd - The guideline for an ADT_A05 message in XML format. This is the target guideline that describes the message after translation.
  • - The predefined map file that is used to translate the ADT_A05 message from HL7 format into XML format.
  • - The predefined map file that is used to translate the ADT_A05 message from XML format into HL7 format.
  • HL7_26_ADT_A28.std - The schema definition for an ADT_A28 message in HL7 format. This is the target guideline that describes the message after translation.
  • HL7_26_ADT_A28.xsd - The guideline for an ADT_A28 message in XML format. This is the source guideline that describes the message before translation.
  • - The predefined map file that is used to translate the ADT_A28 HL7 format into XML format.
  • - The predefined map file that is used to translate the ADT_A28 message from XML format into HL7 format.

Process Description

This example contains the following predefined process: