Error Codes

The error codes on the Fault tab for each activity are listed with the corresponding description and resolution.

Salesforce Palette

Error Code Role Category Description Resolution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-100001 traceRole BW-Plugin Request SOAP message sent for operation {0}: \n {1} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-100002 traceRole BW-Plugin Response SOAP message received for operation {0}: \n {1} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-200001 debugRole BW-Plugin {0} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-200002 debugRole BW-Plugin The operation name has been changed from [ {0} ] to [ {1} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-200003 debugRole BW-Plugin The following Request SOAP Message is sent \n {0} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300001 infoRole BW-Plugin The session for User {0} timed out. Old sessionId is {1}. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300002 infoRole BW-Plugin The session for User {0} was refreshed. Old sessionId is {1}. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300003 infoRole BW-Plugin User {0} is logging in. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300004 infoRole BW-Plugin This is the {1} time(s) during the rotation {2} for user {0} trying to login. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300005 infoRole BW-Plugin Login failed for User {0}. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300006 infoRole BW-Plugin Login succeeded for User {0}. SessionId is [{1}] None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300007 infoRole BW-Plugin Get session for User {0} immediately. SessionId is [{1}] None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300008 infoRole BW-Plugin Mechanism Retry of Getting Session makes User {0} sleep for {1} seconds. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300009 infoRole BW-Plugin Request SOAP Message Sent \n {0} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300010 infoRole BW-Plugin Response SOAP Message Received \n {0} None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300011 infoRole BW-Plugin Start to operate [ {0} ]. Process ID: [ {1} ]. Engine Name: [ {2} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300012 infoRole BW-Plugin Renewed session in {0} activity. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300013 infoRole BW-Plugin Ready to execute the operation [ {0} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300014 infoRole BW-Plugin Ready to execute the operation [ {0} ]. The related input count is {1}. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300015 infoRole BW-Plugin Trying to refresh the session. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300016 infoRole BW-Plugin Refreshed the session. Be ready to retry the operation. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300017 infoRole BW-Plugin Ready to execute the operation [Query], the query string is [{0}]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300018 infoRole BW-Plugin Be ready to execute the operation [QueryMore], the query locator is [{0}]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300019 infoRole BW-Plugin Processing in subsets. Batch size is [ {0} ], subset size is [ {1} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300020 infoRole BW-Plugin The configured BatchSize is [ {0} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300021 infoRole BW-Plugin Be ready to process the operation in subsets for [ {0} ] activity. The configured BatchSize is [ {1} ], and the SubsetSize is [ {2} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300022 infoRole BW-Plugin The end of the [ {0} ] activity. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300023 infoRole BW-Plugin Retry to execute the [ {0} ] operation in [ {1} ] seconds. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300024 infoRole BW-Plugin This is the [ {0} ] time(s) during the rotation [ {1} ] for trying [ {2} ] operation. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300025 infoRole BW-Plugin Processing in subsets is finished for [ {0} ] activity. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300026 infoRole BW-Plugin Be ready to process the operation for [ {0} ] activity. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300027 infoRole BW-Plugin Processing the operation is finished for [ {0} ] activity. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300028 infoRole BW-Plugin Recoverable errors returned with the records. Find the information of the related records in the log. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300029 infoRole BW-Plugin Line separator for info logs.


TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300030 infoRole BW-Plugin The results have been returned successfully. No error occurs in the returned data. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300032 infoRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of the operation for [ {0} ] activity. [ {1} ] sObject(s) have been returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300033 infoRole BW-Plugin Salesforce Outbound Message Listener on [ {0} ] was initialized successfully. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300036 infoRole BW-Plugin Be ready to execute the operation [QueryMore] if any nested sObject exists. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300037 infoRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of the operation for the nested node [ {2} ] of [ {0} ] activity. [ {1} ] sObject(s) have been returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300038 infoRole BW-Plugin The invocation timeout value is {0} ms. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300039 infoRole BW-Plugin The timeout value for this call are [ {0} ] milliseconds. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300040 infoRole BW-Plugin The Salesforce Outbound Message Listener activity received a message whose ServiceEntry URL is [ {0} ]. Sending an Ack: [ {1} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300041 infoRole BW-Plugin The Salesforce Outbound Message Listener activity received a message whose ServiceEntry URL is [ {0} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300042 infoRole BW-Plugin Proxy setting in use, the proxyHost:[ {0} ], proxyPort:[ {1} ], proxyUser:[ {2} ], proxyPwd:[ {3} ], proxyTimeout(min): [ {4} ]. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300043 infoRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of operation for activity [ {0} ], but no sObject returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-300044 infoRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of operation for the node [ {1} ] of [ {0} ] activity, but no sObject is returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400001 warnRole BW-Plugin The batchSize was not assigned with a valid value. It is given a default value. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400002 warnRole BW-Plugin The input of 'salesforceConnection' is empty. The operation cannot be retried when an invalid session exception occurred. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400003 warnRole BW-Plugin The configured BatchSize is [ {0} ] that is fixed to the minimum (200) or maximum (2000) BatchSize. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400004 warnRole BW-Plugin The configured SubsetSize is [ {0} ] that is fixed to the minimum (1) or maximum (10) SubsetSize. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400005 warnRole BW-Plugin The configured BatchSize for [ {0} ] operation is [ {1}] that is fixed to the minimum (200) or maximum (2000) BatchSize. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400006 warnRole BW-Plugin The configured SubsetSize for [ {0} ] operation is [ {1} ] that is fixed to the minimum (1) or maximum (10) SubsetSize. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400007 warnRole BW-Plugin The [ {0} ] activity ends up with the error(s). None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400008 warnRole BW-Plugin No error information is available in the returned data. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400009 warnRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of operation for activity [ {0} ], but no sObject returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400010 warnRole BW-Plugin No input data under the node [ {0} ] at run time for activity [ {1} ] is available. An empty result is returned directly. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400011 warnRole BW-Plugin The session refreshing operation could not be performed because the external session configuration has been used. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-400012 warnRole BW-Plugin End of executing a batch of operation for the node [ {1} ] of [ {0} ] activity, but no sObject is returned. None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500001 errorRole BW-Plugin Cannot find shared Salesforce configuration: {0} Check the configuration of the Salesforce connection and reconfigure it.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500002 errorRole BW-Plugin Error occurred while logging in: {0} Check whether the network is connected and the user name and password are correct.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500003 errorRole BW-Plugin FatalException: Failed to execute the operation after retrying [ {0} ] time(s). Check the network configuration.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500004 errorRole BW-Plugin OperationException: Failed to execute the operation. Check the input configuration. {0} Detailed information: [ {1} ] Other information: [ {2} ] Check the input configuration.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500005 errorRole BW-Plugin FatalException: Failed to renew the session in {0} activity. Check the input of the salesforceConnection field.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500006 errorRole BW-Plugin Exception occurred while executing the operation. Exception type: [ {0} ] Exception message: [ {1} ] Exception detail: [ {2} ] Other information: [ {3} ] None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500007 errorRole BW-Plugin Network problem occurred. The server is currently unavailable or the session has timed out. Check the network configuration.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500008 errorRole BW-Plugin The [ {0} ] operation is temporarily unavailable. Contact support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500009 errorRole BW-Plugin An unrecoverable error occurred while executing the {0} operation. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500010 errorRole BW-Plugin An unrecoverable error occurred while inputting the invalid data for the {0} activity. Check the input configuration of the activity. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500011 errorRole BW-Plugin ConnectionException: Failed to execute the operation. Check the network configuration.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500012 errorRole BW-Plugin Detailed information about this unknown exception: StackTrace: {0} Exception Message: [ {1}]. FullClass [ {2} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity or contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500013 errorRole BW-Plugin Data was not returned in limited operation time while executing [ {0} ] operation. Change the timeout value or check the connection of the network.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500014 errorRole BW-Plugin Application exception occurred while handling an error. Check the input configuration of the activity or contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500015 errorRole BW-Plugin FatalException: Invalid session error occurred. Since an external session ID was used, the refreshing session mechanism cannot be performed. The external session ID is {0}. Make sure the external session ID is valid.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500016 errorRole BW-Plugin ApplicationException: The operation failed. {0} Detailed information: [ {1} ]. Other information: [ {2} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity or contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500017 errorRole BW-Plugin UnknownException: The operation failed. {0} Check the input configuration of the activity or contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500018 errorRole BW-Plugin ConnectionException: The operation was failed {0} Detailed information: [ {1} ] Other information: [ {2} ] Check the network connection.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500019 errorRole BW-Plugin TimeoutException: The timeout value is [ {0} ]. Exception Message: [ {1} ] Change the timeout value or check the connection of the network.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500020 errorRole BW-Plugin The provided certification is invalid or the selected encryption strength might not match your policy file. Make sure the Salesforce Resources folder has been imported and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) has been installed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500021 errorRole BW-Plugin ApplicationException: The required field [ {0} ] is empty. A valid value is required. Make sure that a valid value is assigned in the required field.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500022 errorRole BW-Plugin OperationException: The returned sObject contained an error information. statusCode: [ {0} ] message: [ {1} ] sObject ID in the returned data: [{2} ] fields: [ {3} ] the sObject ID in the input: [ {4} ] Check the input configuration of sObjects.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500023 errorRole BW-Plugin The operation cannot be continued because some unrecoverable errors occurred. statusCode: [ {0} ] message: [ {1} ] Check the error message that was generated from the activity output. Check the error message that was generated from the activity output.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500024 errorRole BW-Plugin OperationException: The returned sObject contains an error information. statusCode: [ {0} ] message: [ {1} ] sObject ID in the returned data: [ {2} ] fields: [ {3} ]. Check the input configuration of sObjects.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500025 errorRole BW-Plugin OperationException: The returned sObject has error. statusCode: [ {0} ]. message: [ {1} ]. sObject ID in the returned data: [ {2} ]. fields: [ {3} ]. value assigned for externalIDFieldName: [ {4} ] Check the input configuration of sObjects.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500026 errorRole BW-Plugin Error occurred while executing the Salesforce SOAP method: The method is {0}, details - {1}. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500028 errorRole BW-Plugin Failed to retry the operation [ {0} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500029 errorRole BW-Plugin Failed to retry the operation in a rotation. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500030 errorRole BW-Plugin Unrecoverable errors returned with the records. You can find the information of the related records in the log. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500031 errorRole BW-Plugin The required field 'externalIdFieldName' was empty. Could not do retrying for the Create All activity. Fill in the value in the externalIdFieldName field.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500032 errorRole BW-Plugin Failed to retry the operation for all [ {0} ] rotation(s). Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500033 errorRole BW-Plugin Error was kept in the returned sObject. The index number in the batch: [ {0} ], statusCode: [ {1} ], message: [ {2} ], sObject ID in the returned data (if available): [ {3} ], fields (if available): [ {4} ]. Check the error message that was generated from the activity output.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500034 errorRole BW-Plugin Error occurred on the Outbound Message Listener activity: {0}. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500035 errorRole BW-Plugin Unrecoverable error was kept in the returned sObject. The index number in the batch: [ {0} ], statusCode: [ {1} ], message: [ {2} ], sObject ID in the returned data (if available): [ {3} ], fields (if available): [ {4} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500036 errorRole BW-Plugin Recoverable error was kept in the returned sObject. The index number in the batch: [ {0} ], statusCode: [ {1} ], message: [ {2} ], sObject ID in the returned data (if available): [ {3} ], fields (if available): [ {4} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500037 errorRole BW-Plugin Common error was kept in the returned sObject. The index number in the batch: [ {0} ], statusCode: [ {1} ], message: [ {2} ], sObject ID in the returned data (if available): [ {3} ], fields (if available): [ {4} ]. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500038 errorRole BW-Plugin The operation failed. Error message: {0}. Check the input configuration of the activity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500039 errorRole BW-Plugin Could not find an available session for the operation [ {0} ]. Check the configuration of the Salesforce connection. Check the configuration of the Salesforce connection.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500040 errorRole BW-Plugin The WSDL was NOT specified. Configure an Outbound Message WSDL generated from the server.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500041 errorRole BW-Plugin Keystore File was NOT specified. Configure Keystore File.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500042 errorRole BW-Plugin Trusted Certificates Folder was NOT specified. Configure Trusted Certificates Folder.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500043 errorRole BW-Plugin Failed to start outbound listener because of[ {0} ] None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500200 errorRole BW-Plugin Generic Plug-in error Attempt resolution based on the error message. If that fails enable debug logging. If that fails contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500201 errorRole BW-Plugin Subscriber failed to login for reason Ensure that the connection is correctly configured. Enable debug logging for more information.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500202 errorRole BW-Plugin Subscriber failed to start for reason Ensure that the connection is correctly configured. Enable debug logging for more information.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500203 errorRole BW-Plugin Subscriber failed to stop for reason Resolve based on this message and if that fails enable debug logging for more information. If that fails contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500204 errorRole BW-Plugin Subscriber failed to parse the message for reason Resolve based on this message and if that fails enable debug logging for more information. If that fails contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SALESFORCE-500205 errorRole BW-Plugin Handshake failed for the URL Ensure connection and WSDL is correctly configured. Enable debug logging for more information. If that fails contact TIBCO support.

Salesforce Bulk API Palette

Error Code Role Category Description Resolution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100004 errorRole BW-Plugin Salesforce Connection is not provided in the activity Provide Salesforce Connection Shared Resource on the General tab
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100005 errorRole BW-Plugin The sObjects element in the input was not correctly mapped Map the sObject element in the input by a valid Salesforce Object substitution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100006 errorRole BW-Plugin Error in parsing the files provided The file provided as input is not present, is incorrectly formatted, or not readable
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100007 errorRole BW-Plugin Could not access the WSDL file provided The WSDL file provided could not be accessed
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100008 errorRole BW-Plugin File access, parse error One of the files provided could not be accessed or is not present
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100009 errorRole BW-Plugin Error logging into Salesforce instance Check the credentials provided and the user account
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100010 errorRole BW-Plugin External session details are not provided External session is set to true but sessionId and serverUrl are not provided or are empty
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100011 errorRole BW-Plugin Error occurred during firing jersey request to Salesforce Rest API Check network connection and manually ping Salesforce Rest API
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100012 errorRole BW-Plugin Content type not provided for operation Provide content type either on the General tab, in the input section, or in the substitution of sObject element
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100013 errorRole BW-Plugin Object type mismatch between object type provided and substituted The object type provided on the General tab or the Input tab does not match with the object type substituted for the sObject element. Make object type consistent.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100014 errorRole BW-Plugin Object type not provided for Bulk operation Provide object type either on the General tab, in the input section, or in the substitution of sObject element
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100015 errorRole BW-Plugin Error creating create job request for bulk operation Fields such as operation and externalIdFieldName are not provided. Provide all necessary and required fields
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100016 errorRole BW-Plugin Error creating add batch request for bulk operation Required fields are missing or not able to submit add batch request to Salesforce server. Check network, required fields, files provided.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100017 errorRole BW-Plugin sObject data is not provided through file or row for bulk operation File is not provided for bulk operation or in case of ROW format the sObject element is not configured
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100018 errorRole BW-Plugin I/O exception occurred during processing Check files, WSDLs provided
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100019 errorRole BW-Plugin Response received from server is null Not able to get a response from server. Check network connection and manually ping the Salesforce REST APIs.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100020 errorRole BW-Plugin Internal error during processing None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100021 errorRole BW-Plugin Job ID is not provided Provide job ID
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100022 errorRole BW-Plugin Output file and format provided does not match The output file provided to get result does not match the output format selected. Make the format and file format consistent
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100023 errorRole BW-Plugin Error creating get result request for Get Result activity None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100024 errorRole BW-Plugin Format mismatch between format provided in Get Result and Bulk Operation Provide same format in Get Result as was provided for Bulk Operation
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100025 errorRole BW-Plugin Get result ended in error Check on Salesforce server for failure of get result or invalid batches
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100026 errorRole BW-Plugin Output format provided in Get result is incorrect Format should be either ROW, JSON, CSV, XML. Check format for Get Result.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100027 errorRole BW-Plugin Error occurred for Check Status Activity Check status failed on Salesforce. Check Salesforce server for the reason.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100028 errorRole BW-Plugin Input provided for timeout or interval has incorrect format, number required Check if timeout or interval is incorrect or is not a number
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100029 errorRole BW-Plugin Error creating check status request None
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100030 errorRole BW-Plugin Interval not provided for Check Status Provide interval if Wait for Completion is selected
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100031 errorRole BW-Plugin Timeout not provided for Check Status Provide timeout value if Wait for Completion is selected
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-SFBULK-100032 errorRole BW-Plugin Query not provided for Bulk Query Provide query string for bulk query operation

Salesforce Bulk API 2.0 Palette

Error Code Role Category Description Resolution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200000 errorRole BW-Plugin Object Mismatch: The object provided and substituted do not match in Bulk Operation Check the object provided through the General or the Input tab and the one substituted in sObject.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200001 errorRole BW-Plugin Row Input not provided Row format is selected. Substitute and provide input through sObject on the Input tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200002 errorRole BW-Plugin File Input not provided Format is CSV but CSV file is not provided. Provide correct file path.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200003 errorRole BW-Plugin File not found Check if the file provided for the operation is not present, is corrupt, not readable, or is protected.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200004 errorRole BW-Plugin External session not provided; but external session used is mapped to true Provide external session ID and server url.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200005 errorRole BW-Plugin Connection is not provided Provide connection on the General tab
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200006 errorRole BW-Plugin Log in failed Test Connection. Check username, password, user validity.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200007 errorRole BW-Plugin IO error Error in internal processing. Check BW process and validations, engine settings.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200008 errorRole BW-Plugin Incomplete input Check if all input required for operation is provided on the General or the Input tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200009 errorRole BW-Plugin Error in parsing file/data Check the file or data provided for correct the CSV format, delimiter, inconsistent data.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200010 errorRole BW-Plugin Error in firing request to Salesforce API Check the cause of error and proceed accordingly.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200011 errorRole BW-Plugin Error in parsing JSON response Check the validity of JSON response from Salesforce.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200012 errorRole BW-Plugin File data empty in Bulk Operation Check if the file has records and a CSV Header. File should have CSV header and at least 1 record or some data.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200013 errorRole BW-Plugin Interval not provided for Check status Provide positive non-zero integer value for interval in check status
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200014 errorRole BW-Plugin Invalid operation provided Check the operation provided on the General or the Input tab. It should be insert, upsert, update, delete, hardDelete, query, queryAll only.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200015 errorRole BW-Plugin Job ID is not provided Provide job ID in the input section for GetResult or CheckStatus
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-2000016 errorRole BW-Plugin State is not provided Provide the state in CloseJob
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200017 errorRole BW-Plugin Empty response from Salesforce API Check if the job is complete on the Salesforce side. Put a CheckStatus with waitForCompletion before GetResult with job appropriate timeout.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-2000018 errorRole BW-Plugin Invalid result type in GetResult Provide correct result type in GetResult. It should be Success, Failure,Unprocessed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-Sfbulk-200019 errorRole BW-Plugin File zero records Check if the file has records and a CSV Header. File should have CSV header and at least 1 record or some data.

Salesforce Composite Palette

Error Code Role Category Description Resolution
BW-SFCOMP-20001 error BW-Plugin External session details not provided or incorrect details provided Verify the external session details
BW-SFCOMP-20002 error BW-Plugin Error during parsing the composite tree request, required fields such as referenceId not provided Verify that all required fields such as referenceId are provided
BW-SFCOMP-20003 error BW-Plugin Failed to retry session because of an error that does not let you retry or an external session provided Check the log in details provided
BW-SFCOMP-20004 error BW-Plugin Failure during sending request to the Salesforce server None
BW-SFCOMP-20005 error BW-Plugin Body given in Composite Batch or Composite Dependent activity is empty or cannot be parsed Check JSON input or mappings provided
BW-SFCOMP-20006 error BW-Plugin Request or response has incorrect JSON format Check JSON input value provided
BW-SFCOMP-20007 error BW-Plugin Internal error during processing None
BW-SFCOMP-20008 error BW-Plugin Error during logging in to a Salesforce instance Check log in details provided in the Salesforce Connection