Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result Activity

The Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity is used to retrieve completed job results for Bulk Operation and Bulk Query jobs created by using Bulk API 2.0.


On the General tab, you can establish a connection to the server.

The following table lists the configurations on the General tab of the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity:

Field Module Property? Description
Name No The name displayed as the label of the activity in the process.
Salesforce Connection Yes The path to the Salesforce shared resource.

Click the Choose/Create Default Resource icon to select a usable connection for the activity.

Operation Type Yes Type of operation to perform. Operation types available are insert, upsert, update, delete, hardDelete, query, queryAll.
Output Format Yes

Select one of the following format of the file types from the drop-down list: CSV or Row

Result Type Yes The result of the operation. It can be success, failure, or unprocessed.

Available only when BulkOperation is selected in Operation Type.

Output Filename Yes

Specifies the absolute path for the Output file. The file format should be compatible with the format selected for Bulk Operation Activity.

Available only when BulkOperation is selected in Operation Type.


On the Description tab, you can enter a short description for the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity.


On the Input tab, you can specify input values for the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity.

The following table lists the input elements on the Input tab of the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity:

Input Items Data Type Description
GetSubsetResultConnection (All fields in this section are optional.)
ServerUrl String The web address of the endpoint that is used by this operation.
SessionId String The unique ID associated with this session.
ExternalSessionIdUsed Boolean Specifies whether an external session ID is used (true) or not (false).

If the value is set to true, an external session ID is filled in the sessionId field.

In this case, when the session has to be refreshed, the refreshed operation cannot be performed, and an exception is thrown.

jobId String Required. Specifies the job Id for which the result is to be obtained.
filename String Absolute path.

Available only when CSV format is selected on the General tab.

rolloverFileSize Long The rolloverFileSize denotes the maximum data size that can be written to the file before the writer rolls over to a new file. The new file is created in pattern named originalFilename_<number>.csv, where number is the consecutive number of files to which data is written.

For example, by using GetResult activity if fetched records are of 20 Mb size and rollover size is provided as 2 Mb than records are saved in 10 different files (data, data_1, data_2 .......data_9) with max size of each file as 2 Mb.

operationType String Specifies the type of operation - insert, upsert, update, deleted, hardDelete, query, or queryAll.
resultType String Specifies whether the operation was successful, failure, or unprocessed.
csvSeparator String Specifies the CSV separator that is used in the file. You can select any one of these separators: Comma, Backquote, Caret, Pipe, Semicolon, and Tab.
LineEnding String Specifies whether line endings are read as line feeds (LFs) or as carriage returns and line feeds (CRLFs).
timeout Long Specifies the number of milliseconds the activity waits before timing out. If timeout is not provided there is no error, default is infinite.
maxRecords Long Specifies the number of records to be fetched in one loop of the operation. It should be used with a Repeat control group ideally with a check on isLastBatch.

This is applicable to Query operations only.

Note: The operationType, csvseparator, and lineEnding fields should be ideally mapped from previous ingest bulk or query operation.


On the Output tab, you can find the output value.

The following table lists the output elements on the Output tab of the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity:

Output Item Data Type Description
result jobId String The ID of an sObject used later to check job status and get job result.
outputFilepath String

Outputs all the names of the files parse to be written to an array, but does not guarantee sequence. Available only when Format selected on the General tab is CSV.

maxRecords Long Specifies the maximum number of records fetched in a single loop iteration.
locator String Specifies the locator of the last read record received from Salesforce in case all records are not read.
record The fields under record refer to the actual records for that Job ID. If you perform a Get Ingest Job Result operation after the Ingest Bulk operation, then the records display the record that was either inserted, upserted, updated, or deleted using bulk operation with the actual data that was provided by the user to Salesforce. This data is a part of the substitutable sObject in the records. If the Job ID is of a bulk query then it displays the records that were queried for the bulk query.
islastBatch Boolean This field if set to true indicates that there are no more batches to be retrieved and false if batches are remaining.

The control group loops should be set on condition to check if this field has been updated to true.


On the Fault tab, you can find the error code and error message of the Salesforce Get Ingest Job Result activity. See Error Codes for more information about error codes and corrective actions to take.

Fault Thrown when..
SalesforceRestException There is a problem with REST request, response or any other REST API error.
SalesforceLoginException An error occurred when logging in to the server.
SalesforceBulkException An error occurred when validating input parameters, requests, and parsing data before sending a request to Salesforce.