Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters Namespace

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference
The Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters namespace contains classes used to configure filters and filtering schemes in the filter panel.

Public classCheckBoxFilter
Representation of the Check Box Filter. The check box filter allows for one or more values to be selected through a check box control.
Public classCheckBoxFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CheckBoxFilter.
Public classCheckBoxHierarchyFilter
Representation of the Check Box Hierarchy Filter.
Public classCheckBoxHierarchyFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CheckBoxHierarchyFilter.
Public classColumnFilter
This class is an implementation detail and should never be used directly. Instead, always use one of the concrete filter classes: CheckBoxFilter, ItemFilter, RadioButtonFilter, RangeFilter and TextFilter
Public classColumnFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColumnFilter.
Public classFilter
The Filter class contains a specific filter implementation. The type of filter is controlled by the property TypeId.
Public classFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of Filter.
Public classFilterBase
This class is an implementation detail and should never be used directly. Instead, always use one of the concrete filter classes: CheckBoxFilter, CheckBoxHierarchyFilter, ItemFilter, RadioButtonFilter, RangeFilter, TextFilter and ListBoxFilter.
Public classFilterBasePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of Filter.
Public classFilterCollection
The FilterCollection contains the Filters for a specific DataTable in a FilteringScheme.
Public classFilterCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterCollection.
Public classFilterGroup
A container for one or more FilterHandles which can be placed into a FilterPanel to group filters. A FilterGroup is uniquely identified by its name within any given panel.
Public classFilterGroupPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterGroup.
Public classFilterGroupItem
Base class for items contained in a FilterGroup.
Public classFilterGroupItemPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterGroupItem.
Public classFilterGroupItemCollection
Collection class for FilterGroupItems.
Public classFilterGroupItemCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterGroupItemCollection.
Public classFilterHandle
A FilterHandle represents a Filter when it is placed inside a FilterGroup.
Public classFilterHandlePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterHandle.
Public classFilteringScheme
A FilteringScheme contains Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters separated in FilterCollections for each DataTable in the Document.
Public classFilteringSchemePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilteringScheme.
Public classCode exampleFilteringSchemeCollection
Collection of all FilteringSchemes in this Document.
Public classFilteringSchemeCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilteringSchemeCollection.
Public classFilterPanel
A Filter Panel represents the contents of the Spotfire control panel that can contain the data filters.

Each Filter Panel contains one or more filter groups in which the filters are placed. These groups and the filters in them are accessible through the TableGroups property.

Public classFilterPanelPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of FilterPanel.
Public classFilterSubGroup
A specialization of the FilterGroup, representing the subgroups within a FilterPanel which can be added to a FilterGroup in TableGroups. New subgroups are created using the AddNewSubGroup(String) method.
Public classFilterTypeIdentifiers
Defines the identifiers for built-in filters.
Public classHierarchyFilter
This class is an implementation detail and should never be used directly. Instead, always use the CheckBoxHierarchyFilter.
Public classHierarchyFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of HierarchyFilter.
Public classItemFilter
Representation of an ItemFilter. The item filter has the ability to filter on a single value in the column that is applies on. The value that is being filtered on is given by Value.

In addition to the distinct values in the DataColumnReference, the Item Filter can filter on the special values given by the ItemFiltering enumeration. The All value is the default value of an Item Filter. The None value is the last value in an Item Filter. The Empty value is only used when the filter column contains empty values.

Public classItemFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ItemFilter.
Public classListBoxFilter
Represents a list box filter. A list box filter allows multiple selection and searching while preserving space. This filter can handle a large amount of categorical values.
Public classListBoxFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ListBoxFilter.
Public classRadioButtonFilter
Representation of the Radio Button Filter. Similar to the ItemFilter, this filter can filter on single values in the column that the filter is being applied on. Graphically, the values in the column are represented as radio buttons.
Public classRadioButtonFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of RadioButtonFilter.
Public classRangeFilter
Representation of a RangeFilter. Range Filters are associated with one data column given by the DataColumnReference property. The ValueRange of the filter, represents the filtering performed by the filter. When the filter is created, this range is set to the extreme (minimum and maximum) values found in the target column.

The granularity of filtering in a RangeFilter can be adjusted using the ValueDataRange property. Narrowing this range will cause the filter to "zoom in" and only apply on the values therein. Note that this is graphically visualized in the Filter using three dots.

A Range Filter can be applied to a column independent of its value type. Nevertheless, the visual scales supported by the filter are limited by value types. For instance, the Logarithmic scale can only be applied to numeric columns. To query the valid scales on a filter, use the ValidVisualScales property.

Public classRangeFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of RangeFilter.
Public classSingleValueColumnFilter
Base class for column filter that are used to filter on a single value.
Public classSingleValueColumnFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of SingleValueColumnFilter.
Public classTableGroup
A specialization of the FilterGroup, representing one root group that exists within a FilterPanel and that can be accessed through the TableGroups property. In addition to the functionality of standard groups, the root group can contain one or more subgroups. Subgroups are added using the AddNewSubGroup(String) method. Additionally, the root filter group is special in the sense that is cannot be renamed.
Public classTableGroupPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of TableGroup.
Public classTableGroupCollection
Collection class for TableGroups.
Public classTableGroupCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of TableGroupCollection.
Public classTextFilter
Representation of a TextFilter which uses a search expression to match values from its column.
Public classTextFilterPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of TextFilter.

Public structureValueRange
A ValueRange represents an interval in a scale containing values of arbitrary types. The range is defined by the properties High and Low.

Public enumerationItemFiltering
The special values that an ItemFilter or RadioButtonFilter may filter.
Public enumerationValueRangeEndpoint
Symbolic values for the end points of a ValueRange.
Public enumerationVisualScale
Enumeration specifying the valid scale transformations available.