Page Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The Page type exposes the following members.


Public propertyActiveDataTableReference
Gets the active DataTable. That is, the active DataTable of the active Visual, if there is any. May return null.
Public propertyActiveFilteringSelectionReference
Gets the active filter. That is, the active filtering of the active page if there is any. May return null.
Public propertyActiveMarkingSelectionReference
Gets the active marking. That is, the active marking of the active Visual, if there is any. May return null.
Public propertyActiveVisualReference
Gets or sets the active Visual. That is, the active Visual of the active Page, if there is any. May return null.
Public propertyContext
Gets the context of this node.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyCustomNodes
Gets the collection of custom nodes associated with this page.
Public propertyDetailsOnDemandPanel
Gets the details on demand panel for this Page.
Public propertyFilterPanel
Gets the filter panel for this Page.
Public propertyHasMinimumHeight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a minimum height has been set for the page.
Public propertyHasMinimumWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a minimum width has been set for the page.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique id for this instance.
Public propertyIsAttached
Gets a value indicating whether this node is attached.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyMinimumHeight
Gets or sets the minimum height of the page. This is used if HasMinimumHeight is set to true.
Public propertyMinimumWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width of the page. This is used if HasMinimumWidth is set to true.
Public propertyPanels
Gets the Panel collection for the Page.
Public propertyShowActiveVisualMaximized
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the active visual maximized.
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the page title. If set to a title that is not unique, the provided title will be modified in such a way that it becomes unique.
Public propertyTransactions
Gets a collection of methods for executing transactions on the document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Page is visible.
Public propertyVisuals
Gets the collection of Visual objects on this Page.
See Also
