AddRowsSettings Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The AddRowsSettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCreateNewSourceColumn
Gets a value indicating whether a new origin column (containing the identifier values) should be created to identify the original and added rows.
Public propertyIgnoredColumns
Gets the signatures for the columns in the added data that should not be included in the result.
Public propertyMap
Gets the mapping between columns in the original data (keys) and columns in the added data (values).
Public propertyNewRowSourceValue
Gets the value (if any) to use to identify the added rows.
Public propertyOriginalRowSourceValue
Gets the value (if any) to use to identify the original rows.
Public propertyRowSourceColumnName
Gets the name (if any) of the origin column that should be created or used to identify the original and added rows.
Public propertyUseExistingSourceColumn
Gets a value indicating whether an existing origin column (containing the identifier values) should be used to identify the original and added rows.
See Also
