Spotfire.Dxp.Data Namespace

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference
The Spotfire.Dxp.Data namespace contains classes for accessing, transforming and exporting data.

Public classAddColumnsSettings
This class describes the settings used when performing the AddColumns(DataSource, AddColumnsSettings) operation on a DataTable.
Public classAddRowsSettings
This class describes the settings used when performing the AddRows(DataSource, AddRowsSettings) operation on a DataTable.
Public classBaseMap
Maps row indexes between a base view and a derived view. A base view is typically a DataTable and a derived view is a DataView.
Public classBinaryLargeObject
Represents a value of datatype Binary. The inner representation of the data is not accessible directly, instead a BinaryLargeObject is created from a byte stream and the data is retrieved through a byte stream.
Public classCalculatedColumn
Public classCalculation
Abstract class representing a calculation.
Public classCalculationPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of Calculation.
Public classColumnRelation
This class describes an equality relation between two columns in different tables. A relation like '[Tbl1].[Column1] = Upper([Tbl2].[Column1])' is defined using two expressions '[Tbl1].[Column1]' and 'Upper([Tbl2].[Column1])'. These expressions are evaluated in the different source tables, so if one of the tables are external then you can use the methods provided by that external data source and if the table is not external then you can use the standard Spotfire expression language functions. Additionally you can also provide left and right transform expressions which are evaluated on top of the left/right expressions supporting all standard Spotfire expression language functions. These expression refer to the result of the corresponding expression using the name ValueColumnName. For example you need to perform "Upper" on Tbl2 but the external system doesn't support that method you can define left and right expressions like '[Tbl1].[Column1]' and '[Tbl2].[Column1]' but add additional transform expressions like '[Value]' and 'Upper([Value])'.
Public classColumnRelationCollection
A collection of ColumnRelation objects.
Public classColumnRelationCollectionPropertyNames
The property names for ColumnRelationCollection.
Public classColumnsChangedResult
This is a report on the changes in a DataTable after a large operation such as ReplaceData(DataSource) is performed. It should be used to notify the user of the changes.
Public classDataColumn
This is a data column which is part of a data table and can be used to retrieve data on row values, hierarchies and properties. The data column implements the IDataColumn which is to be used for non-modification operations on the data column. This class has no public constructors, see the DataColumnCollection class for methods which create data columns.
Public classDataColumnPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataColumn.
Public classDataColumnCollection
This is a collection of DataColumn columns in a DataTable. This class is used to retrieve columns and to add new columns.
Public classDataColumnCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataColumnCollection.
Public classDataColumnProperties
Represents a collection of the properties in a column.
Public classDataColumnPropertiesDefaultProperties
Contains predefined name constants for the standard column properties.
Public classDataColumnSignature
A data column signature is used to identify matching columns in the context of linked data. It contains certain key properties, such as the name, data type, and external id of a previously known column.
Public classDataFilteringSelection
This is a DataSelection representing a filtering in the DataTables as a subset of the rows.
Public classDataFilteringSelectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataFilteringSelection.
Public classDataFilteringSelectionCollection
This a collection of the DataFilteringSelections. This collection can be retrieved from the DataManager.
Public classDataFilteringSelectionCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataFilteringSelectionCollection.
Public classDataFlow
Represents a flow of data from the DataSource through an ordered set of DataTransformation's.
Public classDataFlowBuilder
This class is a builder that can be used to dynamically create a DataFlow instance.
Public classDataHierarchy
A potentially multilevel index of a data column.
Public classDataHistoryBuilder
Represents a builder class to create detail information for the data history. The builder is used to add information to the data history for custom extensions such as DataTransformation, DataSource, Calculation, and so forth.
Public classDataLevel
A single level in a DataHierarchy.
Public classDataLevelCollection
A collection of the levels in a DataHierarchy.
Public classDataLoadReport
Captured error messages during load of (typically linked) data. This can be retrieved from the LoadReport.
Public classDataLoadReportItem
A categorized message item.
Public classDataManager
A DataManager contains the data for an analysis.
Public classDataMarkingSelection
This is a DataSelection representing a marking of rows in the DataTables.
Public classDataMarkingSelectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataMarkingSelection.
Public classDataMarkingSelectionCollection
This a collection of the DataMarkingSelection objects. This collection can be retrieved from the DataManager.
Public classDataMarkingSelectionCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataMarkingSelectionCollection.
Public classDataNode
A node in a DataNodeCollection.
Public classDataNodeCollection
A collection of nodes in a hierarchy level.
Public classDataProperty
Definition of a data property.
Public classDataPropertyPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataProperty.
Public classDataPropertyRegistry
The DataProperty registry is part of the DataManager and contains the properties that can be defined in the analysis. All properties (metadata) that are set must be defined in this registry.
Public classDataPropertyRegistryPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataPropertyRegistry.
Public classDataReader Obsolete.
Provides reading of a forward-only stream of data rows.
Public classDataRelation
This class describes a relation between two DataTables. The relations are contained in a DataRelationCollection, use the Add(DataTable, DataTable, String) method to add new relations.
Public classDataRelationPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataRelation.
Public classDataRelationCollection
A collection of DataRelation objects.
Public classDataRelationCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataRelationCollection.
Public classDataRow
Flyweight row class used for iterating over a data table.
Public classDataRowCursor
Class for sequential scanning through the rows of a data set defined by a collection of columns.
Public classDataRowReader
Represents a resettable iterator of rows values. It is used to retrieve data from a DataSource or DataTransformation.
Public classDataRowReaderColumn
Represents a column returned by a DataRowReader.
Public classDataRowReaderColumnCollection
Represents a collection of the DataRowReaderColumns that a DataRowReader returns.
Public classDataSaveSettings
Container for data-related save settings. This class is set on the DataManager class and defines how the data should be stored when saving the document.
Public classDataSelection
This is the base class for all selections. A selection is an object that defines a subset of rows as a RowSelection for all data tables in the document.

See the DataMarkingSelection and DataFilteringSelection for concrete classes.

Public classDataSelectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataSelection.
Public classDataSource
Abstract class for data sources. Used when loading and saving linked data.
Public classDataSourceConnection
Represents an open connection to a data source.
Public classDataTable
A DataTable is a collection of columns and metadata.
Public classDataTablePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataTable.
Public classDataTableCollection
A collection of DataTable objects. The collection of data tables exists in the DataManager.
Public classDataTableCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataTableCollection.
Public classDataTableProperties
The collection of the properties (metadata) of a DataTable.
Public classDataTableSaveSettings
Save settings for a data table. This can be added or retrieved from the DataTableSettings list.
Public classDataTransformation
Represents a transformation of data, when data is imported from a DataSource it may optionally be transformed by one or more transformations. A transformation takes a DataRowReader as input and a DataRowReader as output with the transformed rows.
Public classDataTransformationConnection
Represents a connected DataTransformation. The connection is created when the transformation is bound to a DataRowReader that is used as input to the transformation.
Public classDataType
This class contains information about a Spotfire data type and the properties of that data type. This is an enumeration class with one static instance for each of the supported data types.
Public classDataValue
An abstract base class for flyweight data value containers. More precisely, a DataValue instance contains a value of a particular DataType, and thus every DataValue has a corresponding DataType. (This is not necessarily true for the methods marked Obsolete in this class.) Instances of the generic subclass are normally used, often explicitly, and this non-generic base class is provided only for convenience in contexts where the generic type is not known, or variable. Note that this class is intended as a flyweight, that is, as a reusable container. This means that it is not optimized for memory and is unsuitable for representing arrays or matrices of data values, where a separate DataValue instance is used for each cell. Consider using a more compact representation of the values for such purposes. The DataValue class is not serializable and should not be used for persistent storage.
Public classDataValueT
Generic flyweight data value container.
Public classDataValueCollection
A collection of the row values in a IDataColumn.
Public classDataValueCursor
Non-generic cursor class for efficient enumeration of data values.
Public classDataValueCursorT
Generic cursor class for efficient enumeration of data values.
Public classDataValueProperties
A class holding properties for a data value.
Public classDataValueTuple
Represents a collection of data values that serves as input to produce a result value.
Public classDataView
A DataView is a derived view which values are derived from a DataTable. It cannot be added to the DataTableCollection. A DataView cannot be serialized to the document.
Public classDataViewPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataView.
Public classDisplayValueSettings
Settings for how to display data column values in filters and categorical axes.
Public classDisplayValueSettingsPropertyNames
Property names for the DisplayValueSettings document node.
Public classDistinctDataValue
A wrapper class that holds a value that can occur in the column of a data table. The class provides equality and an ordering of the values even if they are of different underlying types. Values of the class can therefore be used in UndoableList and UndoableDictionary.
Public classHierarchyColumn
Public classHierarchyDefinition
This is a definition of a hierarchy.
Public classHighlightSelection
This is a highlight selection, it changes when the user moves the mouse cursor over the plots. A highlight selection is a special kind of selection which should only be used from user interface code and the events from this selection can only be received by external event handlers.
Public classHighlightSelectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of DataFilteringSelection.
Public classIndexSet
A bitset-like class that represents a collection of indices, typically a subset of the rows in a IDataColumn or similar.
Public classMutableValueCursorT
A generic mutable cursor class that should be used when reading data from a DataRowReader.
Public classNameString
Provides static utility methods for validating and creating strings representing names.
These methods should be used when creating names for elements in the data manager, like a data table or a data column.
Public classNodeToRowIndexMap
A mapping between the rows in the column/table and the nodes in a hierarchy level.
Public classPartialDataLoadReport
Represents a report containing error messages from a data loading phase.
Public classPersistentDataView
This is a wrapper class around a DataView which performs the code for serializing the DataView since a data view is not possible to persist.
Public classPersistentDataViewPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of PersistentDataView.
Public classResultColumn
Public classResultProperties
Represents the metadata about the result from a data source, transformation or calculation. These properties are used to set properties on the resulting data table.
Public classRowSelection
This is a representation of a selection of rows in a table. It is currently created from an enumeration of row indexes or IndexSet but may be extended in the future to support symbolic marking.
Public classSourceView
This class describes operations performed on a DataTable. The SourceView consists of DataOperations and the columns returned by AdditionalDataColumns.
Public classTagsColumn

Public structureRange
A Range represents a double-precision floating-point interval.

Public interfaceIDataColumn
This is the interface for reading data from a column. You should not implement this interface. Use the ColumnBuilderT class to create columns.
Public interfaceIDataNodeProducer
This is the interface for creating data nodes.
Public interfaceIDataValueProducer Obsolete.
Producer interface for data values, used with enumerators.
Public interfaceIValidator Obsolete.
Validates an item of a specific DataType.
Public interfaceIValidatorT Obsolete.
Validates an item of the specified type.

Public delegateDataTransformationConnectionTransformationExecutor
A delegate for executing a transformation and returning a DataRowReader.
Public delegateDataValueTransformS, T
Generic data value transform.
Public delegateQueryExecutor Obsolete.
A delegate for executing query and returning a DataReader.
Public delegateQueryExecutor2
A delegate for executing query and returning a DataRowReader.

Public enumerationCalculationExecutionPromptMode
Specifies prompt modes for calculation executions.
Public enumerationCalculationUpdateBehavior
Specifies the update behavior for calculations.
Public enumerationDataColumnType
Enum for IDataColumn categories. The DataColumnType for an IDataColumn can be retrieved from the ColumnType property.
Public enumerationDataPropertyAttributes
Attributes for a DataProperty. Custom data properties should almost always use DefaultAttributes.
Public enumerationDataPropertyClass
The different classes that a DataProperty can belong to.
Public enumerationDataSelectionCombinationMethod
Defines how to combine data selections.
Public enumerationDataSelectionOperation
Enum for data selection operations.
Public enumerationDataSelectionResetBehavior Obsolete.
Specifies the reset behavior of a DataSelection. This setting specifies what the value of a selection should be by default.
Public enumerationDataSelectionScope Obsolete.
Specifies the scope of a DataSelection. Determines which tables are affected by a setting a selection.
Public enumerationDataSourcePromptMode
Defines how a DataSource should prompt a user for settings when loading data.
Public enumerationDisplayValueSortMode
Defines how display values in a data column are sorted in filters and categorical axes.
Public enumerationHierarchyNestingMode
Determines how each level in the Hierarchy should relate to the next level.
Public enumerationJoinType
Describes which join type that should be used when joining two tables into a new table. This is used in the AddColumnsSettings class to specify how the join should be performed.
Public enumerationLimitingMarkingsEmptyBehavior
Defines alternatives for visualization of empty data selections.
Public enumerationRelatedRowsPropagation
The behavior for propagation of filter selections between related tables. This is used in DataFilteringSelection.
Public enumerationSortOrder
Defines the order for a sort operation.