ColumnsChangedResult Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The ColumnsChangedResult type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAddedColumns
Gets the names of the added columns.
Public propertyColumnMismatch
Gets a value indicating whether some columns match, but not all, or not. Column additions do not count as mismatches.
Public propertyInvalidatedColumns
Gets the names of the invalidated columns.
Public propertyInvalidatedHierarchies
Gets the names of the invalidated hierarchies.
Public propertyNameChanges
Gets the old and new names of the renamed columns. A list of string arrays with two elements, the first element is the old name and the second is the new name.
Public propertyNoMatchingColumns
Gets a value indicating whether no columns match or not.
Public propertyPrimaryKeyMismatch
Gets a value indicating whether the primary key could not be matched to the new data set or not.
Public propertyRemovedColumns
Gets the names of the removed columns.
Public propertyTypeChanges
Gets the name, old type name, and new type name for all columns that have changed their data type. A list of string arrays with three elements, the first element is the name, the second is the old type name and the third is the new type name.
See Also
