HierarchicalClusteringResult Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The HierarchicalClusteringResult type exposes the following members.


Public propertyHeight
Gets the similarity/distance of the clusters joined in Merge1 and Merge2.
Public propertyMerge1
Gets the first merge column. Merge1[n] holds the index representing the first cluster/leaf to join at level n. Merge1 and Merge2 hold information about which clusters are joined and in what order they are joined. Negative values refer to leaves (1-based indexing of the input), positive values refer to clusters joined at lower level (1-based indexing of merge1 and merge2).

Observe that PageableList indexing is zero-base but the information in Merge1 and Merge2 is 1-based.

Public propertyMerge2
Gets the second merge column. Merge2[n] holds the index representing the second cluster/leaf to join at level n. Merge1 and Merge2 hold information about which clusters are joined and in what order they are joined. Negative values refer to leaves (1-based indexing of the input), positive values refer to clusters joined at lower level (1-based indexing of merge1 and merge2).

Observe that PageableList indexing is zero-base but the information in Merge1 and Merge2 is 1-based.

Public propertyOrder
Gets an index (1-based) ordering of the input so the dendrogram can be drawn without crossings.

Observe that PageableList indexing is zero-base but the information in order is 1-based.

See Also
