DataType Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The DataType type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoIndexUniqueValueCount
Gets the unique value count threshold value for auto-indexing. An imported column with a unique value count less or equal to this threshold will always be indexed.
Public propertyStatic memberAvailableDataTypes
Gets the available data types.
Public propertyDefaultComparer
Gets the default comparer for this DataType.
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets the default value for the underlying type.
Public propertyFormatter
Gets a default, user localized, read-only formatter for this data type.
Public propertyInvariantFormatter
Gets a read-only formatter for this data type that does invariant formatting. This formatting is independent of localization and uses InvariantCulture.
Public propertyIsNumeric
Gets a value indicating whether the data type is numeric or not, that is, Integer, Currency, Real, LongInteger or SingleReal
Public propertyIsSimple
Gets a value indicating whether the data type is considered simple or not. E.g. String and int (etc) are simple, Binary is not.
Public propertyIsTime
Gets a value indicating whether the data type represents time or not, that is, Date, Time or DateTime.
Public propertyName
Gets the type name.
Public propertyNullValue
Gets a null (empty) value for the underlying type.
Public propertyRepresentationType
Gets the representation type of the data type. This is the .NET type that values of this data type are stored as.
See Also
