TextFileDataSource Properties

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference

The TextFileDataSource type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDataOriginIsStream
Gets a value indicating whether the data origin is a stream.
(Inherited from FileDataSource.)
Public propertyFilePath
Gets or sets the file path.
(Inherited from FileDataSource.)
Public propertyIsLinkable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance supports linked data mode.
(Inherited from FileDataSource.)
Public propertyIsPromptingAllowed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether prompting is allowed is allowed for this data source instance.
(Inherited from DataSource.)
Public propertyLoadReport
Gets the PartialDataLoadReport that can be used to report errors during connection.
(Inherited from DataSource.)
Public propertyName
Gets the display name of the data source. Same as the document title by default.
(Inherited from DataSource.)
Public propertyReuseSettingsWithoutPrompting
Gets or sets a value indicating whether settings should be reused without prompting or not. Determines if the data source should be opened in silent mode, prompting the user only when necessary, or if the user should get a chance to modify the settings even if they are valid.
(Inherited from DataSource.)
Public propertySettings
Gets or sets the settings.
Public propertyTypeId
Gets the type identifier for the data source.
(Inherited from DataSource.)
See Also
