Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Extension Namespace TIBCO Spotfire 7.6 API Reference
The Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Extension namespace contains classes used to extend TIBCO Spotfire with new analytic capabilities.

  Class Description
Public class AddIn
Base class for TIBCO Spotfire AddIns. An AddIn is used to extend the application with new functionality.
Public class AddInApplicationEventHandlerRegistrar
Public class AddInCalculationRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterCalculations method to register new calculations.
Public class AddInDataFunctionExecutorRegistrar
Public class AddInDataMethodRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterDataMethods(AddInDataMethodRegistrar) method to register new data methods (e.g. aggregation methods).
Public class AddInDataSourceRegistrar
Public class AddInDataTransformationRegistrar
Public class AddInDataWriterRegistrar
Public class AddInFittingModelRegistrar
Public class AddInHelpRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterHelp(AddInHelpRegistrar) method to register new help items.
Public class AddInPanelRegistrar
Public class AddInPersistenceManagerRegistrar
This class is used when overriding RegisterTypeBindings(AddInPersistenceManagerRegistrar) method to register type bindings for the deserialization engine.
Public class AddInPreferenceRegistrar
Public class AddInPropertyRegistrar
Public class AddInServiceProvider
This class is used when overriding one of the OnGlobalServiceRegistered, OnUserServicesRegistered or OnAnalysisServicesRegistered methods.
Public class AddInServiceRegistrar
This class is used when overriding one of the RegisterGlobalServices, RegisterUserServices or RegisterAnalysisServices methods.
Public class AddInToolRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterTools(AddInToolRegistrar) method to register new tools.
Public class AddInValueRendererRegistrar
Public class AddInViewRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterViews(AddInViewRegistrar) method to register new views (e.g. a visualization Control).
Public class AddInVirtualColumnRegistrar
This class is used when overriding the RegisterVirtualColumnProducers(AddInVirtualColumnRegistrar) method to register new virtual column producers.
Public class AddInVisualRegistrar
Public class ConfiguredVisualFactoryT
Factory base class for creating configured visuals. A configured visual gives a new unique CustomTypeIdentifier to an existing visual. Override this class to provide new AutoConfigure logic for the visual.
Public class CustomAggregationMethod
Base class for custom aggregation methods.
Public class CustomApplicationEventHandler
Base class for objects that monitor and react to major events in the application, such as when a new instance of AnalysisApplication has been created.
Public class CustomCalculationTSettings, TResults Obsolete.
Base class for custom calculations. Extend this class to implement a custom calculation.
Public class CustomCalculationFactoryTCalculation
Public class CustomColumnMethodT
Base class for custom data methods that operate on columns.
Public class CustomControlState Obsolete.
Abstract base class for implementing state for custom web controls.
Public class CustomControlStateTNode Obsolete.
Base class for implementing state for custom web controls.
Public class CustomDataFunctionExecutor
Implement this class to provide a CustomDataFunctionExecutor that can be used to execute DataFunctions.
Public class Code example CustomDataRowReader
Base class for custom data readers. Extend this class to implement a custom data reader. This can be used in for example a CustomDataSource or a CustomDataTransformation
Public class CustomDataSource
Base class for custom data sources. Extend this class to implement a custom data source.
Public class Code example CustomDataTransformation
Base class for custom data transformations. To create a custom transformation you need to extend this class and CustomDataRowReader, register the transformation class in your AddIn by using the overriddenRegisterDataTransformations(AddInDataTransformationRegistrar). If necessary create a UI and register in the overridden RegisterViews(AddInViewRegistrar) together with your transformation.
Public class CustomDataWriter
Base class for custom data writers. Extend this class to implement a custom data writer.
Public class CustomExportTool
This is the base class when creating a custom export tool.
Public class CustomFileDataSource
Base class for custom file data sources. Extend this class to implement a custom file data source.
Public class CustomFileDataSourceFactoryT
Base class for factories that create a CustomFileDataSource. data source.
Public class CustomFittingModel
Extension point for custom fitting models.
Public class CustomFittingModelPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CustomFittingModel.
Public class CustomFittingModelFactoryT
Base class for factories that create a CustomFittingModel.
Public class Code example CustomLicense
Base class for custom licenses.
Public class CustomLicenseFunctions
Contains the functions of the CustomLicense.
Public class CustomMenuGroup
Represents a menu group that is associated with one or more CustomToolTContext. The menu group appears as a sub-menu in the user interface.
Public class CustomNode
Base class for custom nodes.
Public class CustomNodePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CustomNode.
Public class CustomPanel
Base class for custom panels.
Public class CustomPanelFactoryT
Base class for factories that create a CustomPanel.
Public class Code example CustomPreference
Extend this class to implement a set of preferences that are persisted locally and on the TIBCO Spotfire Analytics server.
Public class CustomRowMethodT
Base class for custom data methods that operate on rows.
Public class CustomShareToolTContext
This is the base class when creating a custom share tool.
Public class CustomToolTContext
This class is the base class to use when creating a custom tool.
Public class CustomTypeIdentifier
An instance of this class identifies a custom extension type. The identifier should be valid between versions of the extension, even if the actual extension type changes. A CustomTypeIdentifier is created by declaring a class that inherits from CustomTypeIdentifiers.
Public class Code example CustomTypeIdentifiers
Base class for custom type identifier definitions.
Public class CustomValueRenderer
Extension point for custom value renderers.
Public class CustomValueRendererFactoryTRenderer, TSettings
Base class for factories that create a CustomValueRenderer.
Public class CustomValueRendererSettings
Extension point for custom value renderer settings.
Public class CustomValueRendererSettingsPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CustomValueRendererSettings.
Public class CustomVirtualColumnProducer
An abstract class for implementing custom virtual column producers.
Public class Code example CustomVirtualColumnProducerVirtualColumnInputIdentifiers
Implement this to contain VirtualColumnInputIdentifier objects to uniquely identify each input collection in this VirtualColumnProducer.
Public class CustomVirtualValueWorkerTModel
Derive from this class to implement a class that produces data values from other data values.
Public class CustomVisual
Base class for custom visuals.
Public class CustomVisualPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CustomVisual.
Public class CustomVisualFactoryT
Factory base class for creating custom visuals. A custom visual inherits from CustomVisual. Extend this class to provide AutoConfigure logic to your visual.
Public class CustomVisualization
Base class for custom visualizations.
Public class CustomVisualizationPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CustomVisualization.
Public class CustomVisualView
Base class for the view of a CustomVisual.
Public class CustomVisualViewT
Represents the view of a CustomVisual.
Public class CustomWorkerTModel, TItem
Base class for custom workers. To create a custom worker, inherit from this class and implement either DoWorkCore or DoBatchWorkCore
Public class CustomWorkerFactoryTWorker, TModel
Public class RenderArgs
Encapsulates the arguments to the RenderCore(RenderArgs) method.
Public class ValueRendererFactory
An abstract class defining a factory for value renderers.
Public class ValueRendererFactoryTRenderer, TSettings
An abstract class defining a factory for value renderers.
Public class VisualControlStateTVisual, TValue Obsolete.
Keeps the state and visual model for a custom visual web control. The state is used to preserve data related to layout and rendering of a web control, which is important for web controls since they are disposed after they have been rendered. Typically, this can be used to implement more efficient tooltips. The state is cleared when the model must be re-rendered, that is, when the TVisual's GetRenderTrigger fires.
Public class VisualFactory
Public class VisualFactoryT
Template base class for Visual Factory implementations.

  Interface Description
Public interface ILegendOwner
Interface used for legend integration in the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player. If a CustomVisualization or a CustomVisual implements this interface, the Web Player will display a button in the visualization title bar to show or hide the legend.

  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration RenderHint
RenderHint indicating what the result will be used for.
Public enumeration VisualCategory
Defines what category a visual belongs to.