CustomVirtualColumnProducer Class TIBCO Spotfire 7.6 API Reference
An abstract class for implementing custom virtual column producers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

System. Object

Namespace: Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Extension
Assembly: Spotfire.Dxp.Application (in Spotfire.Dxp.Application.dll) Version: 25.11.10401.3615 (25.11.10401.3615)

[PersistenceVersionAttribute(4, 0)]
public abstract class CustomVirtualColumnProducer : VirtualColumnProducer

The CustomVirtualColumnProducer type exposes the following members.


Protected methodCustomVirtualColumnProducer()
Initializes a new instance.
Protected methodCustomVirtualColumnProducer(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Protected methodConfigureColumnsCore
Implement to create the columns. This method will be called each time the inputs of the producer changes or the GetConfigureColumnsTriggerCore fires. The purpose is to add the metadata about each output column that should be created and which inputs it has to the configurator. If this is the first call to the method those columns will be created. If there are already existing output columns those will be matched against those provided in the configurator, primarily on external id, and those no longer present will be removed, new ones added and those still remaining updated with the new information provided.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodCreateEventRelay(PropertyName, StatelessDependencyDeclarer)
Creates an event relay. An event relay is a property in the document model which propagates event. An event is raised for the event relay whenever when the trigger returned by the specified dependencyDeclarer fires.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateEventRelay(PropertyName, StatelessDependencyDeclarer, EventRelayMode)
Creates an event relay. An event relay is a property in the document model which propagates event. An event is raised for the event relay whenever when the trigger returned by the specified dependencyDeclarer fires.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateInputs
Creates an VirtualColumnInputCollection associated with the given inputIdentifier.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<T>(PropertyName, UndoableList<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<T>(PropertyName, UndoableSet<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<TNode>(PropertyName, UndoableCrossReferenceProperty<TNode>, TNode) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<T>(PropertyName, UndoableProperty<T>, T) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<TKey, TValue>(PropertyName, UndoableDictionary<TKey, TValue>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateProperty<TKey, TNode>(PropertyName, PropertyName, UndoableKeyedCollection<TKey, TNode>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateReadOnlyProperty<T>
Creates a read-only property of type T and assigns it to the specified field.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateRuntimeConstant<T>
Creates a runtime constant. A runtime constant is a property in the document model whose value is computed once when first accessed. The value is then disposed along with the DocumentNode.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateRuntimeProperty<T>(PropertyName, RuntimeProperty<T>, DependencyDeclarer, PropertyComputer<T>) Obsolete. (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodCreateRuntimeProperty<T>(PropertyName, RuntimeProperty<T>, StatelessDependencyDeclarer, StatelessPropertyComputer<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeclareInternalEventHandlers
Override this method to declare handlers of internal events.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, UndoableCrossReferenceProperty<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, UndoableList<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, UndoableProperty<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, UndoableSet<T>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<TKey, TValue>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, UndoableDictionary<TKey, TValue>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeProperty<TKey, TNode>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, PropertyName, PropertyName, UndoableKeyedCollection<TKey, TNode>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDeserializeReadOnlyProperty<T>
Deserializes a read-only property of type T stored in info with key propertyName.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodDuplicateSubtree<T>
Returns a copy of the sub tree spanned from this node that has the same outwards non-owning references. The returned copy will be in state New and is intended to be attached to the document immediately.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetCacheKeyCore
Implement to return an object that serves as a cache key for the producer. The returned object should implement Equals so that it returns a different value for each model state that influences if the resultvalue returned for a given VirtualValueRequest is different. The object should also implement GetHashCode to match that. This method will be called when GetCacheKeyTriggerCore() fires.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetCacheKeyTriggerCore
Override this method to provide a trigger that fires when the settings in the producer changes so that a result value returned for a given VirtualValueRequest changes.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetConfigureColumnsTriggerCore
Implement this method to provide a trigger that fires when the output columns needs to be created or changed. This trigger should not include the inputs changing as that is added automatically by the framework.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetCredentialsModelCore
If the producer has credentials that needs to be filled in by the user, then this method should be implemented to return a credentialsmodel that has been registered with an appropriate UI-component in the ViewRegistry. The default implementation returns null which means no credentials are necessary.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetInputs
Gets the inputs for the given identifier.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetNeedsPromptingCore
Implement this to indicate if the producer needs prompting in order to set up its parameters, not including credentials.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodGetPersistedTypeName
Can be used in the deserialization constructor to get the type name that the class corresponding to this class had when it was originally serialized. Will return null if the specified caller type has no correspondence in the serialized information
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodGetPersistedVersion
Can be used in the deserialization constructor to get the persistence version that this class was marked with when it was originally serialized. Will return null if the specified caller type has no correspondence in the serialized information
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodGetService
Override this method to provide services accessible from this node and its descendants. If you can not provide the requested service, you should call base.GetService which relays the request to the owner or to the AnalysisApplication if no owner is set.
(Inherited from Node.)
Protected methodGetThreadingModelCore
Override this method to specify the worker threading model of the producer's virtual value worker.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInternalTransaction
Starts an internal transaction on the document model by executing the specified executor delegate.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnConfigure
Allows a node to configure itself to the surrounding document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodOnConfigured
Allows a node to configure itself to the surrounding document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodOnReconfigure
Allows a node to reconfigure itself to a new part of the surrounding document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodOnReconfigured
Allows a node to reconfigure itself to a new part of the surrounding document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public methodPrompt
Prompts the registered ui to fill in any settings if allowed and GetNeedsPromptingCore determines that prompting is necessary.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableCrossReferenceProperty<T>)
Serializes an Undoable*Property with value of type T storing it in info with key property.Name.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableList<T>)
Serializes an UndoableList with values of type T storing it in info with key list.Name.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableProperty<T>)
Serializes an UndoableProperty with value of type T storing it in info with key property.Name.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<T>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableSet<T>)
Serializes an UndoableSet storing it in info with key given by the property name of the set.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<TKey, TValue>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableDictionary<TKey, TValue>)
Serializes an UndoableDictionary storing it in info with key given by the property name of the dictionary.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeProperty<TKey, TNode>(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext, UndoableKeyedCollection<TKey, TNode>) (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSerializeReadOnlyProperty<T>
Serializes a read-only property of type T stored in info with key propertyName.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Protected methodSetInputs
Sets the inputs for the given identifier. Setting the inputs causes configurecolumnscore to happen. Any previous inputs for this identifier are replaced.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Protected methodValidateAttached
Validates that the node is attached.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)

Protected propertyAvailableInputs
Gets the signatures for any input columns that are possible to choose from as inputs. In a typical scenario they would be exposed either to the end user in the UI or through the api for an apiuser to select among. Once some are selected they can be used in SetInputs(VirtualColumnInputIdentifier, IEnumerable< DataColumnSignature> ) to set the inputs for a particular VirtualColumnInputIdentifier. Each output column is associated with an identifier and thus the set inputs in ConfigureColumnsCore(VirtualColumnsConfigurator).
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Public propertyColumns
Gets the produced columns.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Public propertyContext
Gets the context of this node.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyIsAttached
Gets a value indicating whether this node is attached.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyTransactions
Gets a collection of methods for executing transactions on the document.
(Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Public propertyTypeId
Gets the type identifier for the producer.
(Inherited from VirtualColumnProducer.)
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIServiceProvider.GetService
Implements IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from Node.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodINodeContext.GetAncestor<T> (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodINodeContext.GetService<T> (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodINodeContext.IsDescendantOf (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodITransactions.BeginAggregatedTransaction (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodITransactions.ExecuteInvisibleTransaction (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodITransactions.ExecuteStickyTransaction (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodITransactions.ExecuteTransaction (Inherited from DocumentNode.)
Version Information

Supported in: 7.6, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0
See Also
