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LINE_FEED - com.orchestranetworks.addon.dex.configuration.LineReturnCharacters
Specifies the line feed characters used to indicate the end of a CSV line.
LINE_RETURN - com.orchestranetworks.addon.dex.configuration.Separator
Specifies the line return used as separator.
LineReturnCharacters - Enum in com.orchestranetworks.addon.dex.configuration
Represents the characters used to signify the end of a CSV line.
LONGNVARCHAR - com.orchestranetworks.addon.dataexchange.sql.SQLDataType
Specifies the SQL data type LONGNVARCHAR.
LONGVARBINARY - com.orchestranetworks.addon.dataexchange.sql.SQLDataType
Specifies the SQL data type LONGVARBINARY.
LONGVARCHAR - com.orchestranetworks.addon.dataexchange.sql.SQLDataType
Specifies the SQL data type LONGVARCHAR.
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