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ImageMode - Enum in com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration
The mode determines how the image is resized to fit the desired dimensions.
ImageSize - Class in com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean
Defines the custom size and mode when resize image
ImageSize(int, int, ImageMode) - Constructor for class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.ImageSize
isActivated() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.DigitalAssetState
Checks whether the state activated.
isAllCriteriaMatch() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.SearchCriteria
isAllowed() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.AccessPermission
isAscending() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.SortCriteria
Checks whether sorting is ascending.
isAtLeastOneCriterionMatch() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.SearchCriteria
isAttach() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.Action
Checks whether the action is set to attach.
isAwsS3Connector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] Amazon S3.
isAzureBlobConnector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] Azure Blob.
isCandidate() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DigitalAssetVersion
Checks if is candidate.
isCandidate() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DigitalAssetVersionSpec
isConvertPDF() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.externalmanagement.bean.ExternalDigitalAsset
Is asset able to converted in PDF
isCurrentVersion() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DigitalAssetVersion
Checks if is current version.
isCurrentVersion() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DigitalAssetVersionSpec
Checks whether this is the current version.
isCurrentVersion() - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.GeneralDigitalAssetVersionSpec
Checks whether this is the current version.
isCurrentVersion() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.RemoteDigitalAssetVersionSpec
Checks whether this is the current version.
isCustomConnector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] Custom connector.
isDeactivated() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.DigitalAssetState
Checks whether the state deactivated.
isDigitalAssetOfCurrentUser() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DigitalAsset
Return whether asset is belonged to current user.
isDigitalAssetOfCurrentUser() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.externalmanagement.bean.ExternalDigitalAsset
isError() - Method in interface com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.backuprestore.DriveInformation
Returns true if there is an error.
isExternalConnector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] External management.
isExternalManagement() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] External management.
isFileSystem() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] File system.
isGGDriveConnector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] Google Drive.
isInDateRange(Date) - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DateRange
Checks whether the date is in date range.
isNoCriteriaMatch() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.SearchCriteria
isNotAllCriteriaMatch() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.SearchCriteria
isNotAllowed() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.AccessPermission
isNothing() - Method in enum com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.enumeration.Action
Checks whether the action is set to nothing.
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.servicecomponent.EditAssetServiceSpec
Checks if is read only is selected.
isSharePointConnector() - Method in class com.orchestranetworks.addon.dama.ext.bean.DriveType
Returns true if the drive type is [ON] SharePoint.
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