Interface ApplicationMappingHelper<SC extends Field,​TC extends Field,​T extends Table<SC>>

    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationMapping

        ApplicationMapping<SC,​TC> getApplicationMapping​(ConfigurationSpec<T> configSpec,
                                                              CommonApplication sourceApplication,
                                                              CommonApplication targetApplication,
                                                              TableMappingList<SC,​TC> tableMappings)
                                                       throws DataExchangeException
        Returns the specified ApplicationMapping from mapping configurations declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
        configSpec - configuration specification used for data import, export and transfer.
        sourceApplication - specification for the source application.
        targetApplication - specification for the target application.
        tableMappings - list of table mappings between the source and target application declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
        DataExchangeException - when the input parameters make it impossible to retrieve a consistent configuration.
      • getApplicationMapping

        ApplicationMapping<SC,​TC> getApplicationMapping​(ConfigurationSpec<T> configSpec,
                                                              CommonApplication sourceApplication,
                                                              CommonApplication targetApplication,
                                                              java.util.Set<com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path> ebxTablePaths)
                                                       throws DataExchangeException
        Returns the specified ApplicationMapping from mapping configurations declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
        configSpec - configuration specification used for data import, export, and transfer.
        sourceApplication - the specification for the source application.
        targetApplication - the specification for the target application.
        ebxTablePaths - set of EBX® table paths declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
        DataExchangeException - when the input parameters make it impossible to retrieve a consistent configuration.