Class FieldMapping<SC extends Field,​TC extends Field>

  • public final class FieldMapping<SC extends Field,​TC extends Field>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Specifies the configuration used when mapping between source and target fields.
    • Method Detail

      • hasTransformationDefinition

        public boolean hasTransformationDefinition()
        Returns true if the field mapping has the TransformationDefinition.
      • getSourceField

        public SC getSourceField()
        Returns the specified source field.
      • getTargetField

        public TC getTargetField()
        Returns the specified target field.
      • getAdditionalFieldMappings

        public java.util.List<AdditionalFieldMapping<Field>> getAdditionalFieldMappings()
        Returns the list of additional field mappings.
      • setAdditionalFieldMappings

        public void setAdditionalFieldMappings​(java.util.List<AdditionalFieldMapping<Field>> additionalFieldMappings)
        Sets a list of additional field mappings to this.
      • getReferenceField

        public EBXField getReferenceField()
        Returns the EBXLinkField that composes the primary key of the table referenced by the EBX® source, or target field when the source or target field is a foreign key. This is only used when importing and exporting Excel or CSV.
      • setReferenceField

        public void setReferenceField​(EBXField referenceField)
        Sets the EBXLinkField that composes the primary key of the table referenced by the EBX® source, or target field when the source or target field is a foreign key. This is only used when importing and exporting Excel or CSV.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object